Planning for Fall registration
Welcome to Planning for Course Registration at SMCM!
We hope you are excited to register for your first semester of courses! Each semester students will meet with their academic advisor, a faculty member who will help them to select their classes and register through our online registration system (Portal). We know this can be a confusing process, so during your first registration, this summer, we are providing some extra help in the form of SOAR/eSOAR introductory sessions, this planning website, and a summer advisor.
SOAR/eSoar Intro Sessions
If you're viewing this site it means you are planning to attend or have already attended your SOAR/eSOAR pre-advising session! At the pre-advising sessions you will go through the information contained within this site with the guidance of a summer advisor or faculty member. This will be an in-person meeting if you attend SOAR or will be a Zoom meeting if you attend eSOAR (or if you attended a "get a jump" session in May).
Planning website
There are a few choices you will need to make when registering for your first semester of classes. This website will guide you through making those choices! You will use this website to fill out the FA24 Course Selection Worksheet.
To be clear: You will NOT use this website to actually register for courses, only to plan for registration!
summer advisor
This faculty or staff member will help you get registered for your first semester at SMCM. They will help you make course choices (with the aid of this website), fill out the necessary forms, and follow-up on any academic questions you may have. Once the semester begins, you will be assigned your permanent academic advisor who may or may not be your summer advisor. You will meet with your permanent academic advisor once each semester while at SMCM!
What happens next?
Steps towards getting registered for fall classes!
In May you will sign up for a summer advising appointment with one of our faculty or staff members through emails from Admissions. You will be provided with a variety of day/time options and will select a time that works for you.
In April (if you attend the "get a jump" Zoom session) or June (when you attend SOAR/eSOAR) you will participate in a pre-advising session where you will be provided information about registration and this website.
You should review the planning materials on this website and work through the Course Selection Worksheet to prepare for your meeting with your summer advisor.
During your meeting with your advisor, they will record your desired courses for the upcoming semester (you'll convey your top choices, and a few back up plans should those courses be unavailable).
The registration team will take your requests and build your first semester schedule, which will be sent to you near the end of July.
If you want to request changes to your schedule you will fill out this form in early August to request changes with the Office of Student Success Services.