History of Psychology at

St. Mary's College of Maryland

Psychology has a venerable history at St. Mary’s College of Maryland (SMCM) with course offerings dating to 1928. However, it wasn’t until much later that the Psychology Department was formally recognized. Psychology courses, research and teaching facilities, and the faculty, staff, and students have changed dramatically over the decades.

This website presents the content of an oral history project completed by six students in Professor Mantell's History & Systems of Psychology course (PSYC405) in Spring 2018. These student researchers recorded interviews with four retired and two current psychology faculty at SMCM. The recorded interviews and transcripts are maintained in the SMCM Archives.

Explore this website to learn more about the psychology program (before and after it was a major), psychology facilities (classrooms, lab spaces, and resources), student-faculty interactions (including social events and research projects), notable campus events (including conferences and guest lectures), and personal recollections from psychology faculty (including provocative, insightful, or amusing memories about their experiences at St. Mary’s). You can also read more about the student researchers.

Important note from the course instructor: The students who authored this website intended to create an accurate representation of the history of psychology at SMCM. Despite their best efforts, there are some factual errors within this website. For more information, or to share comments, please contact Professor James Mantell.