Faculty Interviewees

Dr. Laraine Glidden

Dr. Glidden began working at St. Mary's in 1976 and is now part of the emeritus faculty. She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Mount Holyoke College in 1964, and her Masters and Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Illinois, Urbana.

When she first came here, her focus began in developmental psychology with cognitive aspects, then moved into a focus in disabilities, and ended in family adjustments with disabilities. She taught classes like lifespan development, exceptionality, family issues, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Dr. Glidden held the position of the chair of the department from 2002-2006. She also became acting provost and Dean of Faculty in 2015-2016. Dr. Glidden was part of the group of professors who created the Psychology major in the 1985-1986 catalog year.

More information on Dr. Glidden can be found at: http://www.smcm.edu/directory/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2014/10/Glidden_CV_0817.pdf

Dr. Roy Hopkins

Dr. Hopkins is a developmental psychologist, and worked at St. Mary's as a professor from 1980 until 2009, when he then retired and became a professor emeritus. He grew up in rural Virginia. He received his B.A. from UVA in 1968, and got his Ph.D. in Developmental and Social Psychology from Harvard University in 1968. Before he came to St. Mary's he was a professor at Vassar College for five years. As a professor here he mainly taught developmental classes like early childhood, later childhood, adolescence and introductory classes. During his time at St. Mary's he held many other titles like the Head of the Division of Human Development, the faculty advisor for the St. Mary's Housing Group and Associate Provost for academic services. He is also the co-author of an Introductory Psychology textbook which went through three editions; and an Adolescence textbook.

For more information, visit http://www.smcm.edu/directory/faculty-profile/j-roy-hopkins/

Dr. David Finkelman

Dr. Finkelman is a professor emeritus of psychology who began working at St. Mary's in 1981. At St. Mary's he taught many classes such as: Introduction to Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, History and Systems of Psychology, Psychological Assessment, Senior Seminar, and Psychology in Law. His focus while at St. Mary's was primarily in clinical psychology and he had a passion for psychology in law. He was drawn to St. Mary's due to its beauty and welcoming atmosphere, and although he was used to living in the city, he quickly fell in love with St. Mary's (Finkelman, 2018).

Before his employment at SMCM, he earned his BA in Psychology at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1972. Upon entering the university, he initially wanted to study mathematics. It wasn't until he later that he realized his interest in psychology. He was influenced by both is father, a psychologist, and his mother, a teacher, when he chose his profession. He ultimately knew that he wanted to become a teacher of psychology. After studying at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Dr. Finkelman then moved on to receive his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Minnesota where he pursued his interest in the psychology of law. He studied resiliency and how people respond to stress (Finkelman, 2018).

Dr. David Finkelman published an article called, "Science and Psychology," and it can be found at PsycINFO using the following link (you must have access and be logged on to the database in order to view the article): https://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=3&sid=1247f1c4-3cad-4c32-8fa0-3e8eeb5b44e6%40sessionmgr102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=1979-22505-001&db=psyh

More information on Dr. David Finkelman can be found at these sites: https://www.smcm.edu/directory/faculty-profile/david-finkelman/ http://www.smcm.edu/psychology/student-resources/smps/database/

Dr. Wes Jordan

Dr. Wes Jordan is a professor emeritus of psychology and neuroscience. He earned his B.S. from The University of Puget Sound in 1974. Dr. Jordan pursued further education at Dartmouth College, earning his PhD in Psychology: Behavioral Neuroscience in 1979. He began working at St. Mary's in 1982 as an assistant professor of psychology. In addition to contributing to the creation of the psychology major, Dr. Jordan was on the committee that first established the neuroscience minor. He taught courses such as Drugs and Behavior, Comparative Animal Behavior, and Brain Mechanisms of Behavior. Dr. Jordan held several positions at St. Mary's such as Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, and Department Chair of Psychology.

For more information on Wes Jordan, visit http://www.smcm.edu/directory/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2014/05/wesley-p-jordan-cv.pdf

Dr. Richard Platt

Dr. Richard Platt is a cognitive psychologist who has been working at St. Mary's College of Maryland since 1993. He got his B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy from Bethel College and his Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology at the University of Florida. His favorite classes to teach are Psychological Statistics and Cognitive Psychology. His likes working with his students and fellow colleagues. His favorite research topic is seeing how people solve logical problems. The latest research he conducted was on people's belief in conspiracy theories. He is currently working on a critical thinking textbook which he hopes to get published soon.

For more information visit http://www.smcm.edu/directory/faculty-profile/richard-d-platt/

Dr. Elizabeth Williams

Dr. Williams began working at St Mary's in 1997. She received B.A. in Psychology from Stanford University and her Doctorate in Counseling Psychology from the University of Maryland. At the University of Maryland, she helped develop a qualitative methodology, known as Consensual Qualitative Research. The methodology has made quite an impact, and has been used by numerous St. Mary's students. Her focuses are psychotherapy, feminist multicultural counseling, and qualitative research methodology. As an undergraduate she planned to study political science, but taking a psychology of women class steered her towards pursuing psychology, and influenced her interests. She has held many positions at St. Mary's, including Director of Matriculation and Academic Planning, Coordinator for the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Cross-Disciplinary Studies Program, Department Chair in Psychology, and Dean of the Core Curriculum and First Year Experience.

Outside of St. Mary's, she is involved in the Society for Psychotherapy Research and the American Psychological Association. She has held many positions in the APA, including serving as newsletter editor for Division 17, Counseling Psychology, and president of Division 29, Psychotherapy, and currently serves on the Council of Representatives.

For more information, visit http://www.smcm.edu/directory/faculty-profile/elizabeth-nutt-williams/