Step 2

Login to MySMCC - your Student Portal

For most students* the login information for MySMCC is:

User Name: Your username is your full SMCC email address: First Name + Middle Initial + Last Name

*Note that if you and another SMCC community member have the same name, there may be a number in your SMCC email address. Your SMCC email and a setup password are sent to the personal email you provided on your application to the College.

Password: Your password will be emailed to you from our IT Department to the personal email address you provided SMCC. This will include instructions so you can then create your own.

Note: If you receive an error message,  try following the directions one more time.  Your username may contain numbers or reflect your preferred name, so be sure to refer to your acceptance letter for specific information.  

If you still cannot log in, contact SMCC IT at 207-741-5696 to reset your passord.