Chapter 9 Study Guide

Chapter 9 Study Guide

  1. We believe in the _________________ true God.

  2. Shĕmá is a Hebrew word that means “_________________________”

  3. When we live out the First _________________ we honor the one true God.

  4. When we _____________________, we listen and talk to God.

  5. _______________ is giving God thanks and praise.

  6. Worshiping a creature or thing instead of God is ____________________.

  7. We praise God for his goodness and thank him for his many gifts when we _______________________.

  8. The First Commandment reminds us to ________________________.

  9. Putting our hope in God means we are ____________________ his blessings in our lives.

  10. We are living the First Commandment when everything we _________________ show how important God is to us.

  11. The first Commandment tells us to _______________________________________________________________.

  12. We honor god when we _______________________________________________________________.

  13. How can you show that you honor God? ______________________________________________________________.

  14. What does it mean to put “someone or something before God?” What are some ways you can be reminded not to do this? ______________________________________________________________.

  15. What is the importance of prayer and worship? How have prayer and worship helped you grow closer to God? ______________________________________________________________.