Chapter 10 Study Guide

Chapter 10 Study Guide

Fill in the blanks

  1. The word reverence means _________________________________.

  2. A psalm is a song of praise to honor the ___________________.

  3. To take God’s name in vain means __________________________.

  4. Another word for holy is ______________________________.

  5. When we bless something we _______________________________.

Explain why the statements below are either true or false

  1. (true or false) when God made himself known to Moses, Moses asked God’s name.

  2. (true or false) Each time we use God’s name, we are calling on the all-powerful God.

  3. (true or false) The Book of Psalms is in the New Testament.

  4. (true or false) As Christians, we may use only two titles to call on God.

  5. (true or false) Jesus taught his followers to honor sacred places.

Short answers

  1. What is the second commandment?

  1. Out of respect for God’s holiness, what did the Isrealites not do?

  1. What are some ways we can honor and respect the names of Mary and all of the saints?

  1. What are some titles we use to call on God?

  1. How can you show that you are living out the Second Commandment?