High School Textbook Adoption

Last Spring, the San Leandro Unified School District launched a review process for our high school mathematics curriculum. Teachers of our high school core math courses have been collaborating tirelessly to select materials that are aligned with state learning standards, support research-based, powerful instructional practices, and elevate the values and goals of our SLUSD graduate profile. While curriculum materials are one important piece of student learning, the committee is well aware that no curriculum is perfect despite the claims of the publishers. All curriculum requires critical use (and sometimes selective use) and adaptions to meet the diverse needs of all our students.

Please take some time to review our pilot materials and leave feedback. We value your perspective and the committee will use your input to inform their work.

Lastly, we thank our committee members for their dedication to this work as they also teach a full class load! If you bump into an adoption committee member, give them your thanks!

Algebra/Geometry/Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry

Reveal Math

To access review site:


Username: RevealMathDemoMHE

Password: mathMH2022

Illustrative Mathematics

To access review site:


Username: MHsecondaryIM

Password: mathMH2022