By signing up to volunteer, you are acknowledging/complying with the following guidelines:
1. You have not tested positive for COVID-19 or have been symptom-free for at least 14 days2. You are not currently sick with a fever, cough, or sore throat 3. You have not traveled to a high-risk area (Washington, CA, NY, etc.) in the past 14 days 4. You are not in quarantine due to contact with a COVID-19 case 5. You are practicing social distancing (e.g. avoiding large groups) 6. You are acknowledging that you may be putting yourself at risk for contracting COVID-19 by working in the home of a healthcare professional 7. SLUSOM or the organizers of this volunteer program are not liable for any negative outcomes related to volunteering
If your answers to the above change at any time, you must contact your volunteer organizer!