Frequently Asked Questions for parents/guardians:

What is this initiative?

We are health professions students (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc.) who want to help SSM/SLU/SLU-affiliated health care providers with temporary urgent household needs while they perform essential clinical duties during COVID-19.

Who is organizing?

We are a group of medical students from Saint Louis University looking for ways to help our community. However, this is NOT an official Saint Louis University School of Medicine activity.

Who are the “babysitters”?

Currently they are Saint Louis University medical students and health professions students (pharmacy, nursing, etc.). Please note that we are NOT certified childcare professionals and that we will likely need to be working remotely on class material while supervising your children.

Where is this happening?

This is arranged between you and the volunteer and can occur at your home or possibly the volunteer's residence. If you have a preference, please note it when making your request.

What ages do you babysit? What kind of services can the students provide?

Currently, we are offering services for children of all ages. However, because our students are not trained in childcare or managing disabilities, we are unable to provide services for children or adults with complex developmental needs. Apart from childcare services, students can provide pet care, grocery shopping, meal prepping, and pharmacy runs, provided you give them authorization. We would prefer if you did not utilize our students for alcohol-related purchases.

How much does this cost?

Payment is not required, as we wanted to make this a free service for those who are already working hard to care for others. Our students are made aware that this is a voluntary service on their behalf. However, if you rely on your students to complete additional household management tasks such as grocery shopping, pharmacy runs, etc. please pay them in full. We do not accept IOUS.

If you feel the need to provide monetary compensation, we ask that you please donate to SLU's Helping Our Own fund and email us a copy of the receipt.

How long can I receive childcare?

Currently, we ask that you evaluate your needs weekly. Additionally, while SLU is currently holding online classes, we are still expected to attend and complete class sessions, including online small group sessions. Therefore, your student(s) may have educational requirements to meet during their voluntary “babysitting” hours. Also, please remember that we are not professional childcare support. If you find yourself needing them for more hours than our students can manage, please contact us so we can reevaluate.

Can we combine children from different households?

Unfortunately, due to health concerns, we can only accommodate children from the same household (i.e. siblings, live-in relatives).

How can I request a service?

While we make no guarantees about what we will be able to help with, please fill out this form or email us (covid19assistanceprogram@gmail.com) if you have any ideas of how we could support you in this time.


Frequently Asked Questions for student volunteers:

What is this initiative?

We are health professions students (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc.) who want to help SSM/SLU/SLU-affiliated health care providers with temporary urgent household needs while they perform essential clinical duties during COVID-19.

Who is organizing?

We are a group of medical students from Saint Louis University looking for ways to help our community. However, this is NOT an official Saint Louis University School of Medicine activity.

Will I be monetarily compensated for my time?

No, this program is voluntary and compensation is not to be expected, as we want to lessen the burden on those in the front lines of healthcare in the setting of COVID-19.

What if I get paired with a family and their requests are outside of my comfort zone or the hours are too much for me to handle at this moment?

However, if you are facing difficulties or requests that are beyond your scope, please contact us and we will work with you and the family to either come up with a plan that works for everyone. We value your health and well-being at the utmost.

What will the pairings look like?

If you sign up to volunteer, we will connect you with physicians/healthcare providers who have signed up to receive child care, and you will then work out a schedule that works for both you and the family. Signing up to volunteer and pairing with a family does not hold you to any obligations to provide long-term childcare, and you can also work partial shifts!

What is the time commitment needed?

Any time you are able to contribute is incredibly appreciated. There is no minimum or maximum time limits for volunteering. Our families will surely appreciate any and all help that you can provide them. With this being said, please remember to take care of yourself during this time!

Please email covid19assistanceprogram@gmail.com if you have any further questions.