Elections 2024

It's time for elections!


Voting for E-Board 2024-25

Voting for our exec. board for the 2024-2025 school  year will be opening soon!

If you are interested in applying for the 2024-2025 Exec board, please click on the grey bubble to the left to fill out the interest form. We will be using the information from the interest form to fill in our final elections form. Please reach out to us via email if you have any questions regarding this process.

Here is a list of the duties of each E-board member.


Overall, the president is in charge of leading the club, delegating responsibilities to other executive officers and club members, leading executive meetings and club meetings, as well as overseeing all club functions and plans. Second, helping each executive member with their respective goals. This includes planning events, attending meetings, and helping advertise/recruit members and/or volunteers. Some administrative duties the President is responsible for include but are not limited to… reviewing meeting slides and guest speaker slides, sending text messages to the club GroupMe in coordination with the Vice President, setting up for elections, and taking attendance for the executive board. Third, the president is responsible for meeting with a variety of entities on campus including but not limited to the Center for Accessibility and Disabilities and Student Government Association. Finally, the president must be prepared to speak on behalf of the club when asked to do so. The president should also ensure that all interactions between members and Billikens in need are respectful and that all members keep their commitments to help other Billikens and the larger community. The President is also required to attend the Leaders of The Pack meeting at the beginning of the year where information about club organization, funding, and SGA collaboration occurs (this is non-negotiable).  

Vice President

The Vice President should perform the duties of the President should the President be unavailable. They shall also ensure that the Constitution is upheld, update the Constitution and resubmit it as needed, aid the President in his or her duties, review and update the master roster when new members join, and update the club website. The Vice President should work with the Secretary to send out bi-weekly emails to the email master list and send out regular communication in conjunction with the President to the club GroupMe. The Vice President should also be responsible for updating the SLU Groups page, ensuring that the meetings for the semester are entered and available for students to view and that the rooms for meetings are booked through 25Live (room/events request on mySLU). The Vice President position requires good communication skills and flexibility scheduling and planning. Should the Vice President be available to attend Leaders of The Pack, it is recommended that they attend if they have not been before. 


The secretary is in charge of communication within the club as a whole. The secretary serves as the primary public relations director. The secretary sends out bi-weekly emails (with the Vice President) reminding club members of meeting dates, volunteering opportunities, speakers, and other events that Beyond Ability is participating in. The secretary is also in charge of tracking attendance at each meeting. Organization, creativity, and collaboration are necessary for this position. The Secretary is responsible for recording meeting minutes/slides in the google drive, taking attendance at meetings (not required but suggested), organizing club records to ensure that the records submitted to SGA at the end of each year are accurate. Promotional materials will enhance club membership and the Secretary is responsible for creating buttons through the SIC, CustomInk merchandise, and other fundraising programming for Beyond Ability. 


The treasurer is in charge of requesting, appealing and tracking funding, this is most important in the Spring semester so the Treasurer needs to be available to fulfill the position during this time. He/she writes grants for events such as speakers. He/she can apply for spot funding during the school year as well through SGA, speak with the VP of Finance if there are any questions. The most important event for the treasurer is in spring when a funding request needs to be put together for SGA (Student Government Association). The treasurer needs to outline the requested budget and present it in conjunction with the President at a meeting with SGA. A final budget report needs to be composed and submitted when SGA requests them from all CSOs. The Treasurer is also required to attend the Leaders of The Pack meeting at the beginning of the year where information about club organization, funding, and SGA collaboration occurs (this is non-negotiable). 

Social Media Coordinator

The Social Media Chair is responsible for promotion of club meetings, organization of club social media, and disbursement of flyers for events. They should work with guest speakers or other executive board members to create the meeting slides. Flyers should be created at least a week in advance of meetings, shared with the SIC for approval, and post them around campus. Flyers can be handed to the front desk at the SIC and in the BSC. For larger events, flyers can be given to the Central Office for Housing and Residential Life where flyers will make their way to all residence halls. Finally, weekly update posts shall be generated by the Social Media Chair and posted to the Instagram story and added to the highlight for that year. These posts are meant to spread information about disability rights and experiences so they should be informative, relevant, and posted on Monday mornings. Weekly updates should be shared with the Vice President as well so that they can be posted on the club website archives.