CSB Accreditation 

Your contribution and dedication have played a pivotal role in the College of Business's remarkable achievement of securing accreditation for an additional five years. This accomplishment sets the stage for our next on-site Continuous Improvement Review (CIR), scheduled for the 2025-2026 academic year. A pre-review was successfully submitted on July 1, 2023, laying the groundwork for the forthcoming main CIR in 2025.

To facilitate your engagement in the assessment process, we've curated a selection of menu items that offer direct access to vital information, essential resources, and necessary forms. We encourage you to contribute your course or program assessments through these channels.

The CSB's overarching assessment strategy is designed with a biennial collection cycle at its core. This cycle alternates between assessing five learning outcomes derived from the Core Business Knowledge (CBK) courses during even-numbered academic years and evaluating major-specific learning outcomes during odd-numbered academic years.

To foster broad faculty involvement, we advise alternating between different sections and instructors in each assessment cycle.

Click here to learn more about the CSB Assurance of Learning (AOL) process.  

UG Assessment Fillable Online Forms by Department [Please consult with your department assessment representative]  ----this section is under construction 

Graduate Programs Assessment Form

SLU Expectations:


Each school and college can determine the date by which they submit their reports, but it should be no later than the fall following the year the report covers (so Fall 2024 for the 2023-24 reports). 

Video Tutorial 
