Mrs. Kocis

Hopewell Elementary School - School Counselor

Contact Information:

Dear Hopewell Parents and Guardians, 

It was another exciting year at Hopewell Elementary and I hope that your families are enjoying the summer break!

To learn more about the services I provide during the school year, please click on the School Counseling Services link at the top of the page. As always, you are welcome to contact me through my district email at, and by phone during school hours at 610-791-0200 Ext. 2550, with any questions or concerns.

You can also click Request for Support if you would like to be contacted to discuss any concerns you may have for your child or financial need.

Finally, a list of community resources can be found by clicking here. 

Kind regards,

Lauren Devonshire Kocis, Hopewell School Counselor