Curbside Checkout

How DLA Students Can Reserve and Check Out Books from the Susan Lindgren Library

Students in the Distance Learning Academy will be able to check out books from our school library

WHEN: DLA students may pick up and return books on school days between 8 AM and 2 PM.

WHERE: Susan Lindgren Door #2 (main office). Your books will be in a bag with your name on it and ready to go.

HOW: Put a book on HOLD in our library catalog, Destiny Discover. (See directions below.)


  • Students can check out up to 3 books at a time.

  • Books are reserved online and then held to be picked up until the following week.

  • Parents will get an email when books are ready.

  • You can pick up and drop off your book(s) on the red cart in door #2 (main office).

  • Destiny Discover username and password is the same as Google login.

  • Please contact Ms. Nelson (952-928-6706) or if you need help putting a book on hold.

Have fun reading!

Putting Books on Hold