5th Grade

Links for Exhibition Research

eSchool Today

Find interesting lessons in science, environment, social, and health, all crafted with beautiful illustrations for easy understanding.


Find up-to-date articles on current events. Sign in with Google or Clever.

Sharing the Planet Collection on Epic!

Ms. Nelson created this collection of eBooks on Epic! all about the environment.


Where the wonders of learning never cease.


our climate, our future

Kid-Safe Search Engines

Presentation Skills

Social Media TestDrive

Learn how to create an account on social media and practice how to protect your privacy online by creating a safe username and password.

Understand why fake news exists and how to identify the signs of fake news on social media.

Identify signs of cyberbullying and practice how to respond when when you see cyberbullying happening to others.

Pixton Digital Comics

Ms. Bancroft's Class

Ms. Blumer's Class

Ms. Baysinger's Class