First Grade


1st Grade is learning a lot about our Library Media Center and how we take care of our books. In the next few weeks we will be sharing about the books that interest us, and learning more about parts of a book such as Title, Author and Illustrator.

In our Technology class, we are learning about how to be safe and responsible on our devices and the Internet. To help us, we are learning about the Digital Citizen Buddies. Watch for fun Family Activities to come home to help reinforce what we are learning! These are fun, optional activities for home and not required or expected to come back to school.

1st Grade Library book check out is on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.

1st graders can check out 1 new book every week they remember their Library book - and they earn a sticker!  10 stickers earn a pick from the treasure box.  Remembering their library book bags also earns a treasure at the end of each semester!