IRB Projects

Independent Reading Books & Projects

Students are expected to read one pre-approved novel (not a novel we are reading in class) and complete a project each quarter. The details for the quarterly projects are located below. The directions and examples for all of the quarterly projects can be found in the clickable links below. The rubric for scoring can be found at the bottom of this page.

First Quarter

Second Quarter

Third Quarter

Fourth Quarter

You have approximately eight weeks to read a book and complete a project. Because you have more than enough time to finish this assignment, projects will not be accepted after the listed due dates and times and will earn a grade of zero. 

Students must receive approval on their novels from the teacher before starting to read. While students are expected to be reading at home, they should also bring their books to school to read during times when their work has been completed. 

All projects are expected to be of your creation. Any work found to be not original faces penalties for cheating or academic dishonesty. Projects will be worth 20 points and will be entered in the grade book as a test. 

Projects will be graded in five categories:

If you have any questions, or if you need assistance, please ASK! 

Click on the links above for directions and examples. Please make sure that you read the directions carefully and that you look at the examples provided. The example links included are to be used ONLY as guidelines. The files I have included as examples may not be available for your use by simply clicking and filling in the blanks. Students will need to create their own version using a similar program.

Scoring Rubric

IRB Scoring Rubric