Crosswalk and Detention problems at SLHS


This documentary is students from San Leandro high school telling me their opinion on tardy detentions and how it isn't fair to get detentions when being only a few minutes late.

The Issue

We have to walk in big crowds to get from one campus to another. These campuses are on different sides of a street which means we have to use a crosswalk. Students are receiving detentions for being a minute late because of this issue.

The solution

I've noticed that we do not talk about the solution in the video, but we do have one. The solution to this issue we are having is simple, turn the FTK campus back into the freshman campus. People were having way less tardies when most of their classes were on one campus. Or we could add a few more minutes to our passing period.

Sign the petition if you want to make a change

Sign the petition if you want to make a change