after effects

above is my video on creating a Obiwan and Grevious fight scene. In the video it shows the steps it took to create the fighting scene.

Above is my short film about two students running into Waldo. I am not going to lie it is not my best work, but it was a lot of fun creating this video. he reason why the video is on the after effects page of my website is because we needed to make the actor who played Waldo really really small. In real life he is was taller than me.

Above is my poem I made in after affects.

Above is the Class of 2020 sign I made using After Effects. It took me a couple of tries but in the end I really like how it came out.

The video above is another tracking video. As you can see I did not know what text to use! I went out and took the shot of the top of the gym one morning with some friends who also needed to use the camera I used.

Above is a video I created where a boy is throwing a fireball. I used the After Effects app to create the video.