The Breakfast at SLHS

Breakfast At San Leandro High School Documentary

The film is about students and teachers who are unhappy with the breakfast and when it starts. We interviewed people about the issue and most agree that breakfast should be earlier and healthier.

The Issue

Zero periods can't grab breakfast in the morning because breakfast starts at 7:30. Zero period starts at 7:10 and ends at 8:00. Students can't go to the cafeteria since 8:00 is when the bell rings to get to the next class. Some students complain that the food should have more variety and should be healthier.

The Solution

The solution should be that breakfast should start at 6:30 or 7. If it starts at 7, Zero period students should be allowed to eat in the class too. 10 minutes is not enough time to eat. The breakfast should have foods that are also salty such as eggs and more variety.

Sign Our Petition

You can make a difference by filling out a short survey and telling us your concerns. We will deliver your opinion and suggestions to the twincipals.

Sign Our Petition Here!!