
Animating with Cinema 4D

First time using Cinema 4D, an app where you can animate.

To be honest, it was hard getting used to it because I didn't know the controls, how to add shapes, and how to animate.

This was made over the course of one week, and the whole animation is only 10 seconds! can you imagine a whole animated movie?!

June 4th, 2019


This was out first time broadcasting. We were put into groups and everyone had a job. I was one of the videographers.

We then imported the videos and added them to our voice and choice project.

May 10th, 2019

Voice and Choice Project 2019

This was a month-long project where we could decide what to do.

I decided to take pictures of the moon for a week. I used my own camera (Canon PowerShot) and I did not use a tripod which made it more difficult to control.

I then transferred all my pictures to Final Cut Pro, added the day and type of moon and finally added background opera music.

May 6th, 2019

Autobiographical Poem

First time using a sound room and I had no idea how it worked.

I really like the thumbnail :)

February 12th, 2019


Montage starring Gabrielle, Laila, and PammyG.

The video was shot in a day and we didn't really have much time.

I don't really know how to use the editing software, Final Cut Pro so the video is really basic.

October 16th, 2018


Starring Gabrielle, Laila, Zaida, Silvana, Jennifer, and PammyG.

Another basic video, wish I was a pro.

These cameras are really bad quality so my apologies (?).

November 6th, 2018

Sound Story

I accidentally deleted what I wrote before and this video was made months ago...

Basically, this was our first assignment in this class.

We used GarageBand.