
My first photo-shopped image.

My arm is too big but basically i'm blocking the camera. I know my arm looks fake because of the pixels. As the background I chose a scene from Toy Story 1 (??). By the way, I used Photoshop CC 2018.


Mrs. Farley looking at a squirrel.

For this assignment we had to clone stamp the squirrel in the picture. I just moved it around a little bit but I think it looks photo-shopped (obv. it is).

The point of this was to learn how to arrange objects or remove blurs from images.


Magic at Night

All of these images are from Google. They do not symbolize anything to me.

We were trying to blend images together to create a collage.

I should have not added those triangles but I was trying to make it smaller as if it was some sort of icon.



I still can't figure out a name for this meme but when I do, it's going to be epic.

What we had to do was to add something to the background of an image. It took me some time to figure out what I wanted to put but I did know that I wanted to use Shrek.


Camera Night Lights

This is an image provided by Mr. Farley in which we had to put a filter in the background. The instructions were confusing to me but...

In the background, I added a filter and liquefied it meaning, to distort it.

I still don't understand what was the point of this assignment.

To learn how to use filters??

September 17th, 2018

A City Made of Shapes

This city (below) was created in Adobe Illustrator. We had to make it using shapes (kind of boring if you ask me).

The colors are making the image boring, I don't know what I was thinking.

September 24th, 2018

Pizza Logo

We made a pizza logo using Adobe Illustrator. We used shapes to make the pizza logo.

A problem I have with this is the other pepperoni on the upper left. I could't cut it so that it wouldn't appear outside of the pizza. Mr. Farley couldn't fix it so I guess it's going to be stuck like that.

September 25th, 2018


I'm proud of this creation. Today, September 27, 2018, we had a visitor named, Julio Martinez who is a Creative Director of Typography at Studio 1500 at San Jose. He showed us how to make a logo using our initials. I made my initials to overlap, made the P bigger which is my name and the G smaller for the last name.

September 27, 2018

Pixel Art

My first pixel art image. If you can't tell what it is, it's a guy blocking his eyes from the sun. He's wearing a hat too. I had trouble doing the mouth because at first it was big so I had to make it smaller myself. I used different color shades to make it look realistic which turned out good.

I made the background color lime green because I didn't know what other color to use.

October 4th, 2018

1st C4D Animation

This was my first still image of an animation.

I didn't animate it though

At first, I was struggling in adding the shapes and re-sizing them.

Couldn't tell what I was doing.

May 28th, 2019

Cinema 4D

Super hard to get used to.

I did an animation of a person sleepwalking around the house.

Originally, the door was supposed to open and close, but something happened that I couldn't do it.

At least now I know animation isn't my thing

June 4th, 2019