Senior Year

Blurry Photo

My first project here is a blurry photo. I just took a nice angled picture of my piano and made it blurry.

Passion Project

Here is the greatest game of all time and the passion I chose. As you can probably tell, I'm not very good at it because I automatically become worse at everything while being recorded :(

Darkness Photo

I took a photo of the front of my house at 3 in the morning. There's a hat stand and some plants that look quite menacing.

Light Photo

I took a picture of my laptop's keyboard lighting reflecting off the screen at 3am. There's a thick layer of dust on it due to negligence so that created a nice grainy effect.

Thoughts on the World Project

Here's a little video I made about my thoughts on the state of the United States. I took many clips from YouTube and recorded random things around my house to make this mess. My pc almost burst into flames rendering all of the effects.

Choice Project

I chose to make a sick 1337 commie style gaming montage in TF2. Hours of beautiful footage was trimmed away to create this 3.5 minute masterpiece, edited to the beat of my all time favorite song that doesn't have a copyright claim.