
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions regarding school uniform.

School Uniform

Please contact the School Office to to find out information about purchasing uniform.

The uniform worn by Milton Primary pupils is: 

Jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt – red 

Trousers – black or grey 

Blouse, shirt or polo shirt – white 

School ties and fleece/rain jackets are also available.

Pupils should bring a pair of plimsoles/gym shoes that will be kept in school. Pupils change from outdoor shoes into these shoes when they are in the school building. These shoes can also be worn for PE.

PE Kit 

It is important that children are suitably dressed for PE. 

Gym shoes/trainers, shorts and t-shirts are the desired clothing. 

Trainers worn outside should not be worn for PE as this could prove to be a danger. 

Please note that jewellery should be removed before PE sessions. 

Other Information

School activities can involve the use of paint, glue or other messy materials so some sort of overall/old shirt for use in school is advisable.

Please label all items of clothing/shoes with your child's name. 

These bags are available from the school office for £3.50. These are ideal for transporting homework packs/reading books from home to school.