Option Choice

Making Option Choices

Personalising and individualising your learning experience and curriculum is a key feature of your progress at each stage of secondary school.

The information below is the key documentation to help pupils and their families in making Option Choice for Session 2023-2024

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) have also published a magazine, Future Me: Subject Choices which gives a range of help and advice.

S2 Option Choice

Information for pupils currently in S1 about Option Choice for next year, Session 2023-2024

S2 Option Choice Letter 2023.pdf


S2 Option Form 2023.pdf

Option Choice Form

S3 Option Choice

Information for pupils currently in S2 about Option Choice for next year, Session 2023-2024.


S3 Option Choice Letter 2023.docx


S3 Option Choice Handbook 2023.pdf


S3 Option Form 2023.pdf

Option Choice Form

Senior Phase (S4-6) Expectations and Opportunities

In this short presentation, Miss Pollock DHT S5/6 outlines some of the key learning experiences, opportunities and expectations of Senior Phase Learners in S4-6. 

S4 Option Choice

Information for pupils currently in S3 moving towards S4 next year.

Please note that the S3 Parents' Evening will be on Thursday, 2nd February

The date on the presentation is wrong.

Video Presentation

S4-6 Senior Phase Option Choice Handbook 2022.docx

Senior Phase Option Choice Handbook

S4 Option Choice Letter 2023.pdf


S4 Course Menu 2023.pdf

Course Menu

S4 Option Form 2023.pdf

Option Choice Form

S5/6 Option Choice

Information for pupils currently in S4/5 moving towards S5/6 next year


S5-6 Option Choice Letter 2023.docx


S4-6 Senior Phase Option Choice Handbook 2022.docx


S5-6 Option Form 2023.pdf

Option Choice Form