Learner Journeys

Options Choices Tool - Mobile.MOV

Option Choice Toolkit

A short demonstration of how we use My World of Work to explore subject choices further - thanks to Ian in S4 for making it.

Qualification Route.MOV

Qualification Routes

A short demonstration of how My World of Work can be used to explore routes through qualifications - thanks to Ian in S4 for making it.

Future Pathways

Mrs McWilliams, Principal Teacher (Acting) Equity has a key role in the school in leading Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) and in supporting learners in the Senior Phase (S4-6) to plan and develop effective future pathways beyond their time at Lanark Grammar School.

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

The short clip below explains more about how different modes of learning, diverse experiences and course pathways all contribute to young people's attainment and achievement across the Senior Phase S4-6.