Cost of the School Day

Cost of the School Day

In Holy Cross, we have a team of staff dedicated to working with young people and their families as well as with education and wider partners to identify and remove barriers for young people who may experience financial hardship.

If you have any concerns or questions for the school, please contact your link Pupil Support teacher or Head of Year.

  Cost of the School Day Position Statement

At Holy Cross High School, we recognise the need to reduce the Cost of the School Day for all young people, including and especially those who experience financial hardship. As a school, we have examined the costs associated with the curriculum and engaging with the life of the school and are fully committed to mitigating these costs and removing any financial barriers to full engagement in the life and learning in Holy Cross High School.


Our current uniform is plain black trousers or skirt, white shirt or blouse, black jumper or cardigan and black blazer. For PE, a plain white T shirt and black shorts or leggings are required. Families can purchase uniforms from Scotcrest and any retailer. We have purchased vouchers for ScotCrest that can be shared with families as needed throughout the school year. Families are also supported to apply for clothing grants, EMA and access the Community Wellbeing Service where required.


In partnership with our Parent Council and the wider parent forum, we have a ‘Nearly New’ clothing bank of clothes donated by staff and parents/carers. This is on display at many school events with parents and carers encouraged to help themselves to whatever items they would like for their child/children. The Equity team, Pupil Support and staff work together to ensure that all young people have access to the resource when and as needed. The school also receive a winter clothing allocation fund which is used to support families who require it each year.


The majority of young people at Holy Cross are bussed to school. This has an impact on access to extra curricular events and supported study programs. To mitigate this, these are on offer during the school day throughout the year.


There are no costs attached to the core curriculum at Holy Cross. All young people have full access to all necessary materials, including scientific calculators, Chromebooks, texts and e-texts as well as any materials for practical subjects. The Core Curriculum and PEF funding have been utilised to ensure there are no financial barriers to full access to the curriculum in Holy Cross.

School Trips

Any school trips which are part of the curriculum, such as theatre trips are covered by school funding streams. Support is available for all young people with FME to participate in all extracurricular trips.

Period Poverty

Working with Pupil Leadership team, sanitary products are readily available throughout the school year. Pupil Support hold a supply of general toiletries which are shared with families and pupils via direct contact or liaison with YFCL. Supply of these was organised during school closures and are available during school holidays.

Eating at school

Every year, approximately 35% of our school cohort are in receipt of Free School Meals. There are a range of strategies used to encourage uptake of FME such as encouraging the use of Pre-order facilities and the Fusion App.

This year we have piloted a free breakfast club. This has directly led to a sustained increase in FME uptake throughout the day. This is monitored by the percentage of young people with FME accessing the service as well as the monthly FME uptake figures.

The school now has water fountains installed which will provide free water to all pupils. A supply of free refillable water bottles will follow.

As part of our Participatory Budget work, we have developed both the indoor and outdoor seating areas of the school to make a more welcoming and comfortable flexible environment to encourage staying on the school campus for lunchtimes.

Charity Events

Every year, Holy Cross engages in a wide range of fund-raising events for school, SCIAF and local charities. Christmas jumpers and accessories are provided where needed and all donations are voluntary.

Digital Inclusion

All young people in Holy Cross who do not have access to a device at home in August have been provided with a Scottish Government Chromebook and/or MiFi device, where appropriate. Further devices are available on loan where required.

Digital Literacy and effective use of the devices has also been identified as a priority and this learning had been embedded in the core curriculum to enable full access to both the device and the learning associated with this.

Further info:

Last session, we engaged with the parent and pupil forum to gather their views on the COSD and how it affected them in Holy Cross. The clear message from these was uniform and eating in school are the main costs that of concern to our young people and their families.

These have therefore formed the priorities of our planning.