Online Databases

These databases require user IDs and passwords which you will find in your Library Google Classroom or that document - that contains the passwords- is also linked directly below.  If you are not enrolled in a Library Google Classroom, see Mrs. Rice in the Student Center.  

Copy of Databases 2022-2023

U.S. Major Dailies contains articles from The Wall Street Journal,Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, and LA Times. Users may search for current articles and also articles as far back as the mid-1980's in their archives.

Black Freedom Struggle in the United States - Provided to schools and libraries at no cost, this website "features  select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history, including foundation of ongoing racial injustice in the U.S. – and the fights against it. This website contains over 3,000 primary documents focused on six different phases of Black freedom struggle  between the years 1790 and 2000."

All ProQuest Databases can be accessed from here.  Select specific databases or search all of them at the same time. 

Gale in Context: High School - is a large comprehensive database that covers topics in all disciplines, including Science, American History and Government, World History, Social Sciences, Humanities, Sports and more.  Articles are constantly updated and available in full text. Students can highlight and annotate articles as the go. Gale integrates smoothly with Google Classroom. If you use the trial link, you should not need a user ID or PW, but it is below, just in case.

Gale In Context:  Opposing Viewpoints  features information and analysis of the most current social issues.The database features continuously updated viewpoints, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to reviewed websites.”

"Gale in Context: Global Issues  supports global awareness and provides a global perspective while tying together a wealth of authoritative content, empowering learners to critically analyze and understand the most important issues of the modern world. Explore issues within government, law, health, science and technology, society and culture, and more."

Gale In Context:  U.S. History  is an "engaging experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in U.S. history... Topics range from the arrival of Vikings in North America to the first stirrings of the American Revolution and on through the Civil Rights movement, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and the War on Terror."  Provides access to over 5500 rare, primary source documents. 

Gale Power Search will allow you to search a large comprehensive database that covers topics in all disciplines, including science, American history and government, world history, social sciences, humanities, sports and more.  Articles are constantly updated and available in full text. 

Gale’s Virtual Library allows students access to a variety of reference books in digital format covering hundreds of different topics.  The e-books are searchable, giving students access to the information they need for research.

Nebraska Historical Newspapers is a primary source database from which allows users to search Nebraska newspaper archives from as long ago as the late 1700's.

"Blooms Literature offers a comprehensive resource for the study of literature. Edited and curated by Yale professor Harold Bloom, this database contains thousands of critical essays and discussion questions plus author biographies, character analyses, full-length poems, full-text of hundreds of reference books, full-length videos of classic plays, films and more.

JSTOR is an interdisciplinary database containing over 2600 academic journals.  The articles are scholarly and most are peer reviewed.  In addition, JSTOR gives students access to over 6,000 scholarly e-books and millions of primary source materials.  While we don't subscribe to JSTOR, we do have access to their open access/free articles and  you may read (though not print or download up to 100 articles per month).  No user id and password necessary if using inside our building.  You will need to create an account with your school e-mail and password to access articles.

Explora - This is a portal created specifically for  Skutt Catholic that allows us to search the NebraskAccess  Ebsco Databases without going to the NebrakAccess site.  From this portal, you can search the following databases at  the same time: 

If you wish to search one specific database, click on the link for that database in the list above.  The user id and password are different than the NebraskAccess passwords.  See the new user ID and PW on  your Online Database handout in Google Drive for the details.  

NebraskAccess is a suite of databases available to all Nebraska residents, including the Ebsco databases listed above and a number of other great databases:  Biography Reference Bank, NoveList Plus, My Heritage, and more.

Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia provided by NebraskAccess, provides articles on over 25,000 different topics.  This is good place to get quick facts of background information as you begin your research.

Search Destiny, Skutt Catholic’s Library catalog, for print and digital resources. You can also access Follett e-books here.

Sora Click here to access the desktop version of Sora.  Sora allows you access to e-books and audio books from Overdrive.  For your iPads or other Mobile devices, download the Sora by Overdrive app from your app store.