Vaccinate Before You Graduate

Vaccinate Before You Graduate (VBYG)

What is VBYG?

VBYG was developed in 2001 as a catch-up program for 12th grade students who either missed or did not complete any of the recommended childhood vaccinations. This program offers vaccinations for students at school clinics at no out-of-pocket cost through a contract with The Wellness Company. The Wellness Company is a mass immunizer and licensed wholesale drug distributor contracted with the Office of Immunization to facilitate the VBYG Program.

Students can catch up on 11 required or recommended vaccinations they may need for school,college or work including the Meningitis B vaccine that many students do not receive during their regular immunization series. Meningitis B is different than the MCV4 vaccine. In order for students to be fully protected against all 5 types of Meningitis this would be required. More information regarding Meningitis B is listed below.

To enroll your student in this program, please fill out consent using this link and notify the school nurse of interest.