Challenging Coursework 


Advanced Placement, Honors, Concurrent Enrollment, Project Lead the Way

*Honors grade point weight awarded

Project Lead the Way courses may earn college credit, scholarship, preferential admissions and offer additional opportunities

Advanced Placement* (AP)


Concurrent Enrollment College Credit* & Project Lead the Way (PLTW)

Additional Project Lead the Way PLTW Courses

Questions for students and families to consider before choosing Honors, Concurrent enrollment, or AP Courses: 

If you have additional concerns, please contact your child's school counselor and/or content area teacher. 

Types of Courses at South Kingstown High School

Taking full advantage of the honors and/or AP courses, and doing well in them, is a top admissions factor for selective post-secondary schools. 

If a student's academic performance is stong, school counselors or teachers might suggest enrolling in an honors-level, concurrent enrollment, or AP course(s). Families should consider past academic performance, student and family obligations, student commitment to academics and student interest in the subject before enrolling a student in honors or AP courses. 

Skills needed to be successful in Honors or AP courses

Students at South Kingstown high School can take an Honors, concurrent enrollment, or AP course at any point during high school; there is no prerequisite that enrollment in these courses only begins in freshman or sophomore year. However, students should carefully reflect on the following list of characteristics which are needed for a positive experience in an Honors or AP course:

Benefits of Honors or AP or Concurrent Enrollment Courses


Over-committing to honors, concurrent enrollment, or AP courses leads to extreme stress and anxiety and grades may suffer. If a student has numerous extracurricular commitments or other obligations, carefully consider these before taking on a heavy honors or AP course load. 

Time spent on honors, concurrent enrollment, or AP classes may take time away from other interests. Homework can vary from 0.5 hours to 2 hours per night per class or more, depending on the subject, the assignment, the content being covered in school, and time management skills of the student. For example, students may have to choose between an AP Calculus course or participating in other community or school events. 
