Resources for Educators:

RITELL:  Rhode Island Teachers of English Language Learner

RITELL is a nonprofit professional association of educators of English Learners in Rhode Island. Our members include educators in PK-12 schools, adult education, workplace programs, private language schools, and institutions of higher learning, as well as pre-service and in-service teacher educators. 

¡Colorin Colorado!

¡Colorín colorado! a bilingual site for educators and families of English Language Learners that includes ELL strategies and best practices

Also, teachers can find more information for Increasing Academic Language Knowledge for English Language Learner Success.


Teaching English Language Learners

Communicating with ELL Families: 10 Strategies for Schools | NEA

Learn how to stay in contact with English learners and their families and how administrators can support that outreach.

How to Use Technology to Engage Multilingual Families | NEA

Learn how schools can use a variety of technology tools such as Facebook, Zoom, Talking Points and others to engage and partner with multilingual families.

4 Strategies for Scaffolding Instruction for ELs

Judie Haynes shares four important and practical scaffolds for helping English learners acquire knowledge in the content-area classroom.

Nine Mistakes Educators Make When Teaching English-Language Learners (Opinion)

Confusing lack of English proficiency with lack of intelligence is among those mistakes five educators cite.

A Strength-Based Approach to Teaching English Learners

Instead of focusing on the deficits of English language learners, what if we held up their cultures, languages, unique skills, and life experiences as assets?

6 ELL Scaffolding Strategies to Use With Your Students

Support every student by breaking learning up into chunks and providing a concrete structure for each.

9 Scaffolding Strategies for Teachers (that work in 2021)

Some instructional scaffolding strategies include: using visual aids, breaking up learning into chunks, formative assessment, and using open-ended questions.

From the National Educational Association:  English Language Learners: Culture, Equity, and Language

The National Education Association (NEA) is more than 3 million people—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society. 

TESOL Resource Center - Need a lesson plan? An activity? How about ideas for what to do in class tomorrow morning? The TESOL Resource Center contains lesson plans, teaching tips, activities, assessment tools, and much more. Can't find what you need? Be sure to check back: New resources are posted frequently.