Learning with Minecraft

Minecraft as an Educational tool?

Learn basic coding with code.org and Minecraft

Start with Minecraft Adventurer and then work your way through Minecraft Designer, Minecraft Hero's Journey and finally Minecraft Voyage Aquatic. You will learn about some coding constructs including: Statements, Loops, Conditionals, Events and Functions.

Learn with MinecraftEdu

MinecraftEdu can be used to model and teach a number of things including: digital citizenship, teamwork, planning, perseverance, resource conservation and even some coding with ComputerCraft.

Introducing ComputerCraftEdu

ComputerCraftEDU Tutorials

1. Obtaining Turtles and Remotes

2. Using Turtles

3. Starting to Program

4. Loops and Conditions

5. Taking it Further

Turtles in action: house building

Turtles in action: farming

ComputerCraft Links​