The mission of the Business department is to prepare students to become productive citizens capable of making astute economic decisions. Students will develop techniques for making wise decisions, master economic principles, learn how businesses operate, and learn how to select and apply the tools of technology. The courses in the Business Department provide a foundation for success for all students, no matter what their ultimate goal in life might be. Students will develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for success in the workforce.
Click a course title to view its description.
Accounting 1
Course #111602 Grades 10-12 .5 Credit
Do you want to start your own business? How about working in an office or helping the family business keep their books? This course provides a background in basic accounting principles and procedures with the complete accounting cycle being covered for small businesses. An in-depth study of real financial statements for major corporations is also completed. Manual accounting procedures are followed by a study of current software used (QuickBooks) in the public and private sectors including Microsoft Excel. This course will serve as a sound background for those students majoring in business in college and for students preparing for employment in office positions.
This course meets the Mathematics Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to be considered a .5 credit in Mathematics.
Honors/URI Financial Accounting - Accounting 2
Course #11630 Grades 11-12 .5 Credit
This course will introduce the basic concepts and systems used in financial accounting for business organizations; students who have completed Accounting 1 are eligible. A college textbook is used and the material covered includes financial statements, merchandise inventory, receivables, payables, cash controls, payroll, stockholder’s equity, and exposure to automated accounting systems, QuickBooks (Intuit). The course is appropriate for those students who plan to continue the study of accounting or business on the college level, or plan to enter other professions such as law, engineering, or medicine and need an understanding of the principles of accounting.
This course meets the Mathematics Common Core standards (CCSS) to be considered a .5 credit in Mathematics.
Students taking this course may be eligible for credit in conjunction with the University of Rhode Island. The Concurrent Enrollment Program at the University of Rhode Island is designed for motivated students who seek to get a head start on college credit and who are looking to be challenged academically while in high school. HS students are expected to have a 3.0 minimum high school GPA. In order to receive a URI transcript for the HS course, students are required to follow all URI enrollment procedures and complete the enrollment process by the university registration dates. Student work will be assessed according to the university’s grading policy.
Prerequisite: Accounting 1 - 11602
Business Leadership
Course #11622 Grades 9-12 .5 Credit
This course will prepare students for leadership roles both here at South Kingstown High School and the community. Class focuses on written, oral and visual communication using the latest productivity tools. Instruction will be provided using the Microsoft Office Suite and Google Applications; both of which include word processing, spreadsheets/worksheets, presentation applications and all that Google has to offer. Basic computing hardware/operating systems, as well as troubleshooting is covered. Additional concepts include digital citizenship, internet research skills (Boolean Operators) and career exploration/planning (resumes, interview skills, “soft-skills”). These technology and presentation skills are necessary for successfully completing a multitude of projects and presentations at South Kingstown High School. Strategies include teacher demonstrations, collaborative instruction, interdisciplinary and/or anchor projects, problem-solving and critical-thinking activities.
Global/International Business
Course #11655 Grades 10-12 .5 Credit
This course covers the topics of social, cultural, political, and economic factors of business in a global economy. The student will be provided with information on consumer behavior, marketing segmentation, the marketing process, foreign distribution, advertising, selling and the roles of international finance and economics. This course is an excellent preparation for students planning on majoring in business in a post-secondary institution.
Fall Course #11641 & #11642
Spring Course #11643 & #11644
1 semester, 2 periods Grade 12 1 Credit
This program is designed for students who wish to experience, “first hand”, careers they are interested in pursuing in the future. Internships are developed by students who plan to enter the workforce immediately after high school, as well as for those who will pursue post-secondary schooling. In addition to working within their individual internships, there is also a classroom component to this course where students will be participating in lessons designed to prepare them for life in the working world. If the internship is not within walking distance, transportation will need to be provided by the student or family.
Honors/URI Introduction to Business
Course #11650 Grades 11-12 .5 Credit
If you want to understand the business world and be a success, this is the course for you. This course covers the topics of a college level Introduction to Business course and a college text is used. Students will develop a working knowledge of the major aspects of business—organizing, managing, marketing, finance, economics, and entrepreneurship. Students engage in a variety of group projects and presentations, study the parts of a business plan, and track stocks.
Students taking this course may be eligible for credit in conjunction with the University of Rhode Island. The Concurrent Enrollment Program at the University of Rhode Island is designed for motivated students who seek to get a head start on college credit and who are looking to be challenged academically while in high school. HS students are expected to have a 3.0 minimum high school GPA. In order to receive a URI transcript for the HS course, students are required to follow all URI enrollment procedures and complete the enrollment process by the university registration dates. Student work will be assessed according to the university’s grading policy.
Law and Current Legal Issues
Course #11640 Grades 9-12 .5 Credit
The real life drama of the legal system enters the classroom in this Law course. Issues such as drug use, the death penalty, gun control, and illegal search and seizure are but a few of the “hot” topics explored and debated. Students will become familiar with the foundation of our present legal system and its impact on everyday living. The main topics studied are criminal law, the court system, juvenile law, and civil law. Students apply their understanding of the court system through a mock trial simulation as an end of semester activity.
Personal Financial Planning
Course #11665 Grades 11-12 .5 Credit
Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, insurance, taxes: finally find out how they fit into your future financial success. This course investigates important areas of interest that will enhance a student’s future financial security. Students will examine the five-step plan with regards to financial planning. Students will understand the benefits and the cost of career planning, budgeting, savings and investments, credit, and insurance. Students will also be exposed to Quicken personal finance software to bring financial planning to life.
This course meets the Mathematics Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to be considered a .5 credit in Mathematics.
Rebel Pride/School Store - Retail Marketing
Course #11651 Grades 9-12 .5 Credit
Students will learn what it takes to effectively run a business and introduces the student to the business world. Students learn the basics of retail sales principles, marketing, product mix, pricing, inventory control and profit margins. Students will study trends in retail and learn how to plan the way a store runs in order to make it a success. The course flows into 3 distinct parts: Foundations of Retailing, Marketing Principles, Retail Buying.
Sports Marketing 1
Course #11672 Grades 9-12 .5 Credit
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own sports franchise or working in the sports industry? This course introduces students to the growing field of sports marketing and management. In this course, students will operate a mock sports franchise, and explore career opportunities in the sports industry. Through group projects and teacher driven lessons, students will conduct demographic studies, create team names, design team logos, develop merchandise/apparel and eventually construct their very own stadium. In addition, students will learn about developing team ticketing plans, promotional activities, sports endorsements and corporate sponsorships in professional sports.
Sports Marketing 2
Course #11673 Grades 10-12 .5 Credit
Are you interested in the world of sports advertising? This course continues where Sports Marketing 1 left off, and focuses on the world of advertising as it applies to the billion-dollar sports industry. Through group projects and teacher driven lessons, students will create realistic sports-oriented advertisements in a variety of mediums. Students will design and develop print, radio, television, billboards and, eventually, internet advertisements. This class will operate in an advertising agency atmosphere with students taking on a variety of roles, including copywriting, copy editing and graphic designing. Working closely with our school athletic department, one class focal point will be to keep the entire South Kingstown school community informed and up-to-date with our South Kingstown High School Rebel sports happenings.
Prerequisite: Sports Marketing 1 - 11672