Mullenix Ridge Kindergarten

Mullenix Ridge Elementary

Jump Start to Kindergarten

This is an optional activity for incoming Mullenix Ridge kindergartners.

Dates: August 19, 20 and 21 (students can attend one, two or three days--we recommend all three)

Times: 9:00-10:30 session OR 11:00-12:30 session

Location: Mullenix Ridge Kindergarten Classrooms

Why: Get a sneak peek and a practice run of what kindergarten will be like and build some comfort and excitement about starting school. Students will participate in activities like read aloud, circle time, craft-ivities, recess and will learn routines for the school year.

Parents/Guardians: Parents/guardians can drop off and pick up their child in the school's breezeway or can choose district transportation for the 9:00 session. Parents do not need to stay on campus during Jump Start. 

Jump Start Registration

Click on THIS LINK to sign up for the 9:00-10:30 slot or the 11:00-12:30 slot for the three days. ( You can contact the kindergarten team at

Your child may attend one or two days if you are unable to attend all three days. Again, this is optional and we understand if your schedule doesn't allow your child to attend.

We can't wait to see you!

Kindergarten Parent Orientation

Day: Wednesday, August 21

Time: 5:30-6:30 PM

Location: Mullenix Ridge Cafeteria

Notes: Students do not need to attend.

We highly recommend attending this orientation whether your family is new to Mullenix Ridge or not. We will cover all the nuts and bolts of kindergarten at Mullenix Ridge--popcorn Fridays, school supplies, attendance expectations/absence reporting, field trips, homework and more!

Kindergarten Parent Meetings

Days: August 27, 28 and 29: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Time: 30-45 minute one-on-one meeting with your child's teacher during the school day

Location: Your child's kindergarten classroom

Notes: This a one-on-one meeting with your child's teacher to learn more about your child. We will schedule these meetings after class lists are determined after Jump Start.

We would love your child to attend so our staff can do some assessments but if childcare is a problem, please do not worry--we will get the needed assessments done at a later date.

Kindergarten Slow Start

This is part of the regular school year.

Days: September 3-6: Tuesday-Friday

Time: Regular School Day 8:35-3:10

Location: Your child's kindergarten classroom (class lists will be announced after Jump Start.)

Notes: The slow start allows for students to transition into school with half the students in the classroom allowing more time to learn routines, have more one-on-one needs met and get comfortable with school.

Kindergarten students will attend two of the four days of school during this week--either an A day (Tuesday/Thursday) or a B day (Wednesday/Friday). This is normal school hours, normal transportation, lunch and specialists.

Here are a few commonly asked questions and upcoming dates.