ST KEVIN'S SCHOOL RULES Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful

Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Friends,

Next week is the last week of Term 1 and what a busy and successful one it has been. Incredible amounts of work have been completed by children in all classes with much learning taking place. Whilst the classroom learning in English and Maths has been a focus for teachers and assessments completed will enable them to structure lessons for Term 2, we know our children's learning is not restricted to the academics and great focus has also been given to continually helping children to develop their physical, social and emotional skills.

On Tuesday 2nd March from 2;30pm you are invited to drop in and visit the classrooms to see and hear about what our children have been learning this Term. Hope you can make it.

Liam Jenkins De La Salle College Captain, 2019

A couple of weeks ago I informed our community that Liam Jenkins, a past student at St Kevin's, had been elected College Captain of De La Salle for 2019. Recently De La Salle asked each of their student leaders to reflect on their time in Primary School and how this had helped shape them into the people they are today. I have included Liam's letter below which was sent to us by De La Salle.

Congratulation Ms Nelligan

We would like to say a big congratulations to Ms Nelligan who became an aunty for the first time this morning when her sister in Adelaide gave birth to a little baby girl, 'Poppy'.

Sushi Day Lunch

Thankyou to our P&F who organised today's fantastic Sushi Day lunch. As I tell the children all the time these activities do not just happen by magic, people who are willing to go out of their way to to do special things for others are a great asset to the community and enable these things to happen.

ECSI SURVEY - Enhancing Catholic School Identity

Last Friday your child brought home a letter explaining the process to complete the ECSI Survey. Thankyou to those parents who have already completed it. The more survey responses we can submit the more accurate our data. it is hoped that all children in Year 5&6 will complete the survey, however, if you do not wish your child to complete it please email me with their name so they can be excluded from the survey

To access the survey now please follow the link HERE use the password: Ghj654 click - To The Surveys then New User and use the Group Entry code: vqn12v or select St Kevin's Ormond from the drop down list.

Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues


Liam Jenkins, De La Salle College Captain, 2019

My name is Liam Jenkins. I joined De La Salle College in Year 7. In 2019 I am serving as College Captain.

I am immensely honoured to be chosen by my cohort and teachers to lead the school in 2019. Being a Student Leader is a great privilege and knowing I have the school community’s trust and support means a great deal to me.

I came to De La Salle from St Kevin's Primary School, Ormond. One of my fondest memories whilst attending St Kevin's took place on my last day of school - participating in the St Kevin's tradition of running through a guard of honour, created by all St Kevins' students. This memory has left a distinct imprint in my mind because it was a time where I had mixed emotions with sadness of leaving the comfort of my primary school and with the excitement for the next chapter of my schooling life - high school.

St Kevin's gave me opportunities to prepare my leadership skills through roles such as Class Captain, SRC and Sports Captain. This enabled me to give speeches and presentations at assemblies and also when representing the school in the wider community. St Kevin’s gave me the Catholic education qualities and principles that have shaped the way I present myself to others and helped grow me as a person and as a leader.

I was very fortunate to have had many wonderful teachers throughout my primary school years. Each of them played an important part in the progression of my education and personal development. I am very grateful for what each of them have given me. In particular, I would like to thank Mrs Costello, my grade 6 teacher who ensured that I was well prepared academically and emotionally for high school.

Student Wellbeing

How important is Resilience?

Facing challenges and learning from them can be a great skill to have for all of us. Developing resilience enables us to bounce back from adversity and change how we act or react to things in our lives. Resilient children are better able to handle stress, deal with anxiety and manage uncertainty

Watch the video and think about your own perspective on Resilience.

Lunch Orders

Available Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Please label paper bag with child’s name and class, include money and these will be collected from the office.

Enrolments and School Tours