Family Maths Challenge

Each week I will include a maths problem for you to solve.

If you think you can solve it, with a bit of help from your family, email me the answer here with your name and class in the subject line,

Each week at assembly and in the Newsletter I will announce the family who solved the problem correctly and the quickest. Good Luck!

Week 6 winners - Kolisetty Family & Nselel Family

Week 7 Nselel Family

Mrs Parore is hanging out her towels to dry.

She puts two pegs on each towel. How many pegs does she need to hold 4 towels?

Mrs Parore sees that her peg box is running low. She puts one peg on the corner of two towels.

This way she only needs 3 pegs for 2 towels. How many pegs does she need for 4 towels now?


In Mathematics, students in P/1/2N have been learning about 'Doubles' and automatically recalling double facts up to 20 and beyond. Students have been engaged with their learning and have been busy brainstorming double facts on whiteboards.



This week, students worked on creating their own maths game, which needed to have a focus on multiplication and division. They worked in groups to come up with an idea, design and to create appropriate questions. Some excellent teamwork was demonstrated! The students were able to share their games and play them, to see if their concept had worked. They will be excited to show families at our Learning Expo in a week or so.