Swedish meeting

March 4th to March 8th 2024

In the application about this meeting

"During meeting in Sweden students will discuss green technology issues, using IBL Method. To expand knowledge about ecology, students will visit Tåssjö camp school were the participants can experince wild life and North Western Skåne waste disposal company. 

They will take part in Green Debate (a pupils’ international parliament) to discuss controversial environmental issues with the participation of invited guests. To prepare for the artistic presentation of the results of work students will take part in classes at the with cooperation with cultural center in Angelholm. 

The art results will be presented for the general public. The meeting will end Eco Day - a day of promotion and dissemination of results for the school community and invited guests. Conclusions from the work on the issues developed during the meeting in Sweden and elaborated by Swedish partners will be used in the preparation the materials which will be used in ecopoints."