Supply List

Grade 3 Supply List


Please note that supplies may need to be

replenished as needed during the school year.

Your child's name should be written on ALL supplies.

1 pack of SHARPENED pencils

1 large pink eraser

1 pack of wide ruled paper

1 STURDY 2-pocket folder (to be used as a take-home folder)

3 marble notebooks (no spiral notebooks, please)

1 bottle of Elmer's white glue

1 glue stick


24 pack (nothing larger) of crayons


watercolor paints

pencil sharpener

2 large boxes of tissues

1 roll of paper towels

1 container of Lysol wipes

1 container of hand wipes

1 travel-sized hand sanitizer to keep in desk (no strong fragrances please)

1 box for school supplies

ear buds (can be purchased at the dollar store)

1 beach towel to be stored in locker for outdoor lessons/activities

You will need the following supplies for use at home

(please keep these at home):


1 pack of wide ruled paper

ruler with inches and centimeters

Optional supplies for basic fact mastery and studying:

(please keep these at home):

addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division flashcards

index cards

*Please DO NOT bring extra supplies that are not listed, as our desk space is limited and it will be difficult to store.

*DO NOT bring in a lock for your locker or unnecessary items for the locker, such as chandeliers, mirrors, magnets, photos, shelves, or dry erase boards. This will help us keep locker space clean.