Alumni Check-in

Yhizel Torres (SP '23)

What advice would you give to current students in the program?

Keep going. You’re almost there. I know it seems like a lot or that you’re never going to get to your goal, but I PROMISE, STICK WITH THE PROGRAM and you WILL. Also, there are NO DUMB QUESTIONS! Oh, AND, if you need an extension or you absolutely cannot complete something on time, DO NOT HESITATE to ask. The worst that can happen is they say, “no,” but most, if not all professors in this program, are incredibly understanding.

What was one memory from your experience in BAIS that stands out to you?

One memory that stands out to me from the BAIS program is my very first Saturday morning class with Erin. I remember feeling SO LOST and confused. I didn’t know what was expected of me, and I couldn’t understand the assignments. I would say that was my hardest class in the whole program. However, it wasn’t hard because of the contents of what is taught in the class. It was hard because I didn’t know myself nor the kind of leader I could be at the time. I didn’t know what my full capacity was. It wasn’t until the end of the program when I had Erin again that I realized this and truly appreciated that first Saturday class. It really was a full circle moment and taught me that I am capable to take on the education field and pursue my goals.

What are you up to today? What’s your next goal?

I am a Teacher for Santa Clara County Office of Education’s Deaf/Hard of Hearing program. I teach TK-1st Grade this school year!

What were some challenges you faced in your educational journey and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge was juggling everything: work, school, being a mom, then having a baby, then having surgery, and running a household. It was hard, and even though online is convenient, it is also incredibly challenging and takes some serious dedication. That’s how I was able to overcome them: I dedicated myself to the program and leaned on my classmates and professors for support and guidance. 

violeta bjorngjeld (SP '23)

What was one memory from your experience in BAIS that stands out to you?

Graduation day was one of the most memorable experiences during my time at BAIS. After a year of working on different projects online, I finally got the chance to meet my peers in person. It was heartwarming to see that they were willing to travel from outside the Bay area to celebrate our graduation day together.

What BAIS class do you see really helping you today?

The classes I took in the BAIS program have given me a solid foundation to pursue my Master's degree in Special Education. This program has given me the confidence and academic knowledge to create lesson plans, write research papers, and collaborate effectively on assignments.

What are you up to today? What’s your next goal?

I will be able to graduate this Spring with an MA and a teacher Special Education Credential.

What were some challenges you faced in your educational journey and how did you overcome them?

As a mother of three young children, I struggled to find time to complete my assignments while juggling work, motherhood, and school. To overcome this challenge, I devised a plan by creating an agenda in which I allocated specific time slots for completing tasks. I also collaborated with my peers on the assignments, which not only provided support but also allowed us to build a sense of community.

What advice would you give to current students in the program?

Never give up! Despite the obstacles and challenges that come your way, stay focused on your goal and keep pushing forward. As you near the end of your journey, strive to become even more knowledgeable and prepared for the next chapter in your life.