(* = my graduate student)
2022 - 2024
E.J. Gabet. 2023. Comment: Disequilibrium river networks dissecting the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, CA, USA record significant late Cenozoic tilting and associated surface uplift. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 135(1-2):534-537.
E.J. Gabet. 2022. Comment: Trachyandesite of Kennedy Table, its vent complex, and post-9.3 Ma uplift of the central Sierra Nevada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 134 (5-6): 1625-1627.
E.J. Gabet. 2022. Evaluating the role of topographic inversion in the formation of the Stanislaus Table Mountains, Sierra Nevada (CA). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 134 (3-4): 885–894.
2020 - 2021
E.J. Gabet, S.M. Mudd, R. Wood*, S.W.D. Grieve, S.A. Binnie, T.J. Dunai. 2021. Hillslope curvature increases with the square root of erosion rate. Journal of Geophysical Research, 126(5).
C. Tipp*, E.J. Gabet. 2020. Reconstruction of the original extent of the Tertiary pre-volcanic gravels in the northern Sierra Nevada (CA): Implications for the range's paleotopography. American Journal of Science, 320:791-826.
E.J. Gabet, D. Miggins. 2020. Minimal net incision in the northern Sierra Nevada since the Eocene - Late Oligocene. Geology, 48(10):1023-1027.
E.J. Gabet. 2020. River profile evolution by plucking in lithologically heterogeneous landscapes: Uniform uplift vs. tilting. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(7):1579 - 1588.
E.J. Gabet. 2020. Lithological and structural controls on channel profiles in the northern Sierra Nevada (CA). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132:655-667.
2018 - 2019
T. Nakamura*, M.B. Singer, and E.J. Gabet. 2018. Remains of the 19th Century: Deep storage of contaminated hydraulic mining sediment along the Lower Yuba River, California. Elementa, 6(1):1-17. DOI:
P. Zimmer* and E.J. Gabet. 2018. Assessing glacial modification of bedrock valleys using a novel approach. Geomorphology, 38:336-347.
X. Wang, K. Yoo, S.M. Mudd, B. Weinman, J. Gutknecht, E.J. Gabet. 2018. Storage and export of soil carbon and mineral surface area along an erosional gradient in the Sierra Nevada, California. Geoderma, 321:151-163.
2016 - 2017
E.J. Gabet, J.L. Horwath Burnham, J.T. Perron. 2016. Critiques of the seismic hypothesis and the vegetation stabilization hypothesis for the formation of Mima mounds along the western coast of the U.S., Geomorphology, 269:40-42.
2014 - 2015
E.J. Gabet, S.M. Mudd, D.T. Milodowski, K. Yoo, M.D. Hurst, and A. Dosseto. 2015. Local topography and erosion rate control regolith thickness along a ridgeline in the Sierra Nevada, California. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(13): 1779-1790. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3754.
Short, L.* and E.J. Gabet. 2015. The role of large woody debris in modulating the dispersal of a post-fire sediment pulse. Geomorphology, 246: 351-358.
Burns, K.* and E.J. Gabet. 2015. The effective viscosity of slurries laden with vegetative ash. Catena, 135:350-357.
E.J. Gabet. 2014. Fire increases dust production from chaparral soils. Geomorphology, 217:182-19
E.J. Gabet. 2014. Late Cenozoic uplift of the Sierra Nevada, California? A critical analysis of the geomorphic evidence. American Journal of Science, 314: 1224-1257. PDF (this is the galley proof). There is an Erratum for this paper where the age of one of the volcanic deposits is updated: American Journal of Science, 391: 526-527.
E.J. Gabet., J.T. Perron, D.L. Johnson. 2014. Biotic origin for Mima mounds supported by numerical modeling. Geomorphology, 206: 58-66. PDF
2012 - 2013
Riley, K.L., R. Bendick, K.D. Hyde, E.J. Gabet. 2013. Frequency-magnitude distribution of debris flows compiled from global data, and comparison with post-fire debris flows in the western U.S. Geomorphology, 191: 118-128.
Burbank, D.W., B. Bookhagen, E.J. Gabet, J.Putkonen. 2012. Modern climate and erosion in the Himalaya. Comptes Rendues Geosciences, 344(11/12): 610-626.
Constantine, J., M. Schelhaas, E.J. Gabet, S.M. Mudd. 2012. Limits of windthrow-driven hillslope sediment flux due to varying storm frequency and intensity, Geomorphology 175: 66-73.
Mudd, S.M., K. Yoo, E.J. Gabet. 2012. Influence of Chemical Weathering on Hillslope Forms. In Treatise on Geomorphology, J.F. Shroder (editor), Vol. 7, p. 56-65. San Diego: Academic Press.
E.J. Gabet and M. Mendoza*. 2012. Particle transport over rough hillslope surfaces by dry ravel: Experiments and simulations with implications for nonlocal sediment flux. Journal of Geophysical Research 117, F01019, doi:10.1029/2011JF002229.
2010 - 2011
E.J. Gabet and A. Bookter*. 2011. Physical, chemical, and hydrological properties of Ponderosa pine ash. International Journal of Wildland Fire 20(3): 443-452.
E.J. Gabet and S. Mudd. 2010. Bedrock erosion by root fracture and tree throw: a coupled bio-geomorphic model to explore the humped soil production function and the persistence of hillslope soils. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 115, F04005, doi:10.1029/2009JF001526. PDF
E.J. Gabet, D. Wolff-Boenisch, H. Langner, D.W. Burbank, J. Putkonen. 2010. Geomorphic and climatic controls on chemical weathering in the High Himalayas of Nepal. Geomorphology 122: 205-210.
2008 - 2009
Wolff-Boenisch, D., E.J. Gabet, D.W. Burbank, H. Langner, and J. Putkonen. 2009. Spatial variations in chemical weathering and CO2 consumption in Nepalese High Himalayan catchments during the monsoon season. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73(11): 3148-3170.
E.J. Gabet and Mudd, S.M. 2009. A theoretical model coupling chemical weathering rates with denudation rates. Geology 37: 151-154.
E.J. Gabet and P. Sternberg. 2008. The effects of vegetative ash on infiltration capacity, sediment transport, and the generation of progressively bulked debris flows. Geomorphology 101: 666-673.
E.J. Gabet and A. Bookter*. 2008. A morphometric analysis of gullies scoured by post-fire progressively-bulked debris flows in southwest Montana, USA. Geomorphology 96(3-4): 298-309.
E.J. Gabet, D.W. Burbank, B. Pratt-Sitaula, J. Putkonen, and B. Bookhagen. 2008. Modern erosion rates in the High Himalayas of Nepal. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 267: 482-494.
2006 - 2007
E.J. Gabet. 2007. A coupled chemical weathering and physical erosion model for a landslide-dominated landscape. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 264: 259-265.
Pratt-Situala, B, M. Garde, D. Burbank, M. Oskin, A. Heimsath, E.J. Gabet. 2007. Bedload ratio, regional erosion rate, and rapid bedrock incision from Himalayan landslide-dam lake record. Quaternary Research 68: 111-120.
Craddock, B., D. Burbank, B. Bookhagen, E.J. Gabet. 2007. Bedrock channel geometry along an orographic precipitation gradient in the upper Marsyandi River valley in Central Nepal. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 112, F03007, doi:10.1029/2006JF000589.
Naylor, S.* and E.J. Gabet. 2007. Valley asymmetry and glacial vs. non-glacial erosion in the Bitterroot Range, Montana, USA. Geology 35(4): 375-378.
Hoffman, D.* and E.J. Gabet. 2007. Effects of sediment pulses on channel morphology in a gravel bed river. Geological Society of America Bulletin 119: 116-125.
E.J. Gabet, R. Edelman*, and H. Langner. 2006. Hydrological controls on chemical weathering rates at the soil-bedrock interface. Geology 34(12): 1065-1068.
E.J. Gabet and S. Mudd. 2006. The mobilization of debris flows from shallow landslides. Geomorphology 74(1-4): 207-218. PDF
2004 - 2005
Niemi, N., Oskin, M., Burbank, D., Heimsath, A., Gabet, E.J. 2005. Effects of bedrock landsliding on cosmogenically determined erosion rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237(3-4): 480-498.
E.J. Gabet, N. Fierer, and O. Chadwick. 2005. Prediction of sediment-bound nutrient delivery from semi-arid California watersheds. JGR Biogeosciences 110(G2), G02001, 10.1029/2005JG000032.
Gabet, E.J., Pratt-Sitaula, B., and Burbank, D.W. 2004. Climatic controls on hillslope angle and relief in the Himalayas. Geology 32(7): 629-632. PDF
Gabet, E.J., Burbank, D.W., Putkonen, J.K., Pratt-Sitaula, B., and Ohja, T. 2004. Rainfall thresholds for landsliding in the Himalayas of Nepal. Geomorphology 63: 131-143.
Fagherazzi, S., E.J. Gabet, and D.J. Furbish. 2004. The effect of bidirectional flow in tidal channel planforms. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 29: 295 - 309.
2002 - 2003
Burbank, D.W., A.E. Blythe, J. Putkonen, B. Pratt, E.J. Gabet, M. Oskin, A. Barros, T.P. Ojha. 2003. Decoupling of erosion and precipitation in the Himalaya. Nature 426: 652 - 654.
Gabet, E.J. 2003. Post-fire thin debris flows: field observations of sediment transport and numerical modeling. Earth Surface Processes and Landform 28(12): 1341 - 1348.
Gabet, E.J. and T. Dunne. 2003. A stochastic sediment supply model for a steep Mediterranean landscape. Water Resources Research 39(9), 1237, 10.1029/2003WRR002341, 2003.
Gabet, E.J., O.J. Reichman, and E. Seablooom. 2003. The effects of bioturbation on soil processes and hillslope evolution. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Vol. 31: 249-273.
Gabet, E.J. 2003. Sediment transport by dry ravel. Journal of Geophysical Research 108(B1), 2050, 10.1029/2001JB001686, 2003.
Gabet, E.J. and T. Dunne. 2003. Sediment detachment by rain power. Water Resources Research 39(1), 1002, 10.1029/2001WR000656.
Gabet, E.J. and T. Dunne. 2002. Landslides on coastal sage scrub and grassland hillslopes in a severe El Niño winter: The effects of vegetation conversion on sediment delivery. Geological Society of America Bulletin 114(8): 983-990. PDF
2000 - 2001
Fierer, N. and E.J. Gabet. 2000. Carbon and nitrogen losses by surface runoff following changes in vegetation. Journal of Environmental Quality 31: 1207-1213.
Zawislanski, P.T., H.S. Mountford, E.J. Gabet, A.E. McGrath, and H.C. Wong. 2000. Selenium distribution and fluxes in intertidal wetlands, San Francisco Bay, California. Journal of Environmental Quality 30: 1080-1091.
Gabet, E.J. 2000. Gopher bioturbation: Field evidence for nonlinear hillslope diffusion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25(13): 1419-1428.
Seabloom, E., O.J. Reichman, and E.J. Gabet. 2000. The effect of hillslope gradient on the burrowing behavior of the pocket gopher (Thomomys bottae). Oecologia 125: 26-34.
1990 - 1999
Gabet, E.J. 1998. Lateral migration and bank erosion in a saltmarsh tidal channel in the San Francisco Bay, California. Estuaries 21(4B): 745-753.
Gabet, E.J. 1997. Evidence of armed conflict in prehistoric California skeletal remains. In: Papers in California Prehistory: 5, G. S. Breschini and T. Haversat ed., pp. 1-34. Coyote Press, Salinas, California.
Clift, G. and E.J. Gabet. 1992. A second look at Gifford’s and Schneck’s Site 11(Ca-Ker-46). In: Archaeological Studies in the Goose Lake Area, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California, M. Q. Sutton ed., pp. 67-89. California State University, Bakersfield Museum of Anthropology Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 2.