History of Civil Rights

Fourth Grade Lesson Introduction

Focus Standard: AASL standard - I.A.2. Learners display curiosity and initiative by: Recalling prior and background knowledge as context for new meaning.

Format: Video

Complexity (Grade Level / Use): At Level / Peer Supported (in teams of two or in books clubs)

Description: This video introduces the oppression of African Americans as well as important events and people of the civil rights movement.

Potential Use:

  • Students may watch the video at the beginning of the reading unit in teams of two or in their book clubs. Since is it an introduction to the history of the civil rights movement, students could begin a list of vocabulary words from the video and define them. Students may add to this vocabulary list as they explore the texts in this set.
  • Individually, in teams of two, or in their book clubs students could choose an person or event in the video to further research and present their findings to the class.
  • Students could compare/contrast the historical events and leaders in the video to the current events and leaders we have today.
  • After building their knowledge base, students could work together to create their own "Introduction to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement" video.

lvalle85. (2008, May 28). History of civil rights movement, 4th grade lesson intro [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy_yRN0DVlM