Nuclear Reactions

About Nuclear Reactions

To study nuclei far from stability, we must first synthesize them in nuclear reactions. The cartoon shows a “fusion-evaporation” reaction, when two nuclei completely fuse to form a compound nucleus. A particle accelerator (like a cyclotron or linac) is used to overcome the positive charge repulsion of the two nuclei. Once they form a compound nucleus, the residual energy is dissipated by evaporating nucleons and emitting γ-rays. We study how the

Our Interests & Expertise

Our group is interested in the nuclear behavior at the very edges of stability. We study the production and decay of these weakly bound nuclei; in particular, heavy nuclei near the driplines and transuranic isotopes including superheavy elements.

PI Esker has expertise in experimental design and execution using recoil mass spectrometry, through his work with FIONA and EMMA (pictured).

External Collaborations

We have active collaborations with the many leading low energy nuclear science groups and particle accelerator facilities, including: