

Sep 2024 EML joins the ABC hub, how exciting! 

July 2024 Maxx published his article titled "Study of electron-induced chemical transformations in polymers", congratulations!

May 2024 Ali defended successfully, congratulations!

April 2024 Maxx defended successfully, congratulations!

April 2024 Preet joined EML, welcome!

March 2024 Maxx delivered a talk at the SPIE meeting. 

Feb 2024 Andrew and Nam joined EML, welcome!

Jan 2024 Dahyun delivered an invited research seminar at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University.

Jan 2024 Victor joined EML, welcome!


Dec 2023 Jiaxin and Christina successfully defended! Congratulations!

Nov 2023 Aung joined EML! Welcome! 

Oct 2023 Maxx presented a poster at the SPIE meeting. 

Aug 2023 Dan's paper is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Energy Materials.

Aug 2023 EML received the NSF MRI award! SJSU will have the first Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscope. 

Aug 2023 Jiaxin and Christina presented their posters at the ACS meeting in SF. 

May 2023 Dan, Jozel, and Khoi successfully defended! Congratulations!

May 2023 Khoi received MatE department service award! Congratulations!

May 2023 Eric, Safiha, Ali and Jarrett successfully presented posters at GRASP! Congratulations!

April 2023 Our lab is featured in the Washington Square the Magazine.

April 2023 Dahyun received ECIA award. Our work is also highlighted in the research foundation annual report

April 2023 Rishika joined EML, welcome!


Nov 2022 Maxx joined EML, welcome!

Nov 2022 EML's user proposal is accepted by NCEM at LBL! We are very excited to receive this support from DOE! "Work at the Molecular Foundry is supported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy" 

Oct 2022 Kevin and Jarrett joined EML, welcome!

Sep 2022 Eric, Safiah, and Samantha joined EML to complete their senior design projects. 

Aug 2022 EML received EFRC grant from DOE for 2022-2026 ($468k), we will be part of the team led by LBL. 

Aug 2022 Khoi, Jozel, and Samuel successfully presented a poster at ACS meeting

Aug 2022 Dahyun gave an invited seminar at the Molecular Foundry User Meeting

July 2022 We hosted two highschool teachers, Sam and Johnson, through NSF RET program.

July 2022 Ali, Christina, and Lam joined EML, welcome! 

May 2022 Kelly and Safiah successfully presented posters at GRASP! Congratulations!

May 2022 Dahyun received CSUPERB Research Development grant ($1.5k).

May 2022 Danitza joined EML, welcome!

March 2022 Safiah joined EML, welcome!


Dec 2021 Our beam time proposal to use SSRL is accepted! Thanks to Stanford and U.S. Department of Energy office of Science

Dec 2021 Jiaxin joined EML, welcome!

Nov 2021 EML's user proposal is accepted by NCEM at LBL! We are very excited to receive this support from DOE! "Work at the Molecular Foundry is supported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy" 

Nov 2021  Corey successfully defended, congratulations!

Nov 2021 EML received 3 years of research fund ($330,187) from NSF-CMMI to study the effect of mechanical cycling on ionic conduction of composite solid-state electrolytes in collaboration with Dr. John Lee at SJSU and Dr. Min Hwan Lee at UC Merced.

Oct 2021 Dan received Davidson Scholarship! Congratulations!

Aug 2021 Our lab alum, Prakirti, will start an exciting journey as a Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida, congratulations!

Aug 2021 EML will be one of RET labs from 2022 summer for 3 years under the leadership of Prof. Rosenfeld in Chemical ENG. We will collaborate with high school teachers during the summer!

Aug 2021 Samuel successfully defended, congratulations!

Aug 2021 Our work using microbes for battery electrode coating layers is published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, check it out

Aug 2021 Kelly joined EML, welcome!

July 2021 Khoi joined EML, welcome!

May 2021 On GRASP day, Corey received the outstanding graduate student award and Pei's poster (presented by Alex) won the best poster award! Congratulations!

May 2021 The DOD proposal that Dahyun participated in as a co-PI was selected to acquire a Furnace and Reactive Ion Etcher System ($600k) for MPEL! 

April 2021 EML received RSCA grant ($5k) from SJSU!

April 2021 Pei successfully presented a poster at the 2021 MRS Spring meeting,

Mar 2021 Jozel received 2021-22 SJSU Student RSCA Grant from SJSU, congratulations!

Jan 2021 Dan Joined EML, welcome!

Jan 2021 Pei successfully defended! Congratulations!


Oct 2020 Dahyun gave an invited presentation at SJSU, chemistry department.

Oct 2020 Dahyun gave an invited presentation at Stevens Institute of Technology.

Oct 2020 Corey presented his work on composite solid state electrolytes at ECS conference. 

Oct 2020 Jozel joined EML, welcome!

Sep 2020 Dahyun gave an invited presentation for CSU STEM-NET  webcast.

Jul 2020 Corey's paper is published in Applied Sciences, check it out here!

Jun 2020 Vuong joined EML, welcome!

Jun 2020 EML's user proposal is accepted again by Molecular Foundry at LBL! We are very excited to receive this support from DOE! "Work at the Molecular Foundry is supported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy"

May 2020 Gwen received Outstanding Senior Award, Ruth received Outstanding Junior Award, and Samuel Received Outstanding Graduate Award from the CME department, congratulations!

Feb 2020 Ruth joined EML, welcome!

Jan 2020 Tran joined EML, welcome!

Jan 2020 Usha and Charleston's paper is published in RSC Advances, check it out here!


Dec 2019 EML received the extension for Small Group Research Fund, $50k from SJSU. This project is collaboration with Prof. John Lee at SJSU and Prof. Min-Hwan Lee at UC Merced.

Dec 2019 Sanyam, Muhanad, and Faizan successfully defended! Congratulations!

Nov 2019 Samuel and Rajan joined EML, welcome!

Oct 2019  Pei received Davidson Scholarship! Congratulations!

Oct 2019 Gwen, Alex and David received URG (Undergraduate Research Grants) from SJSU, congratulations!

Oct 2019 Dahyun presented at 236th ECS meeting

Oct 2019 Corey joined EML, welcome!

Aug 2019 Charleston successfully defended! Congratulations!

July 2019 Dahyun gave an invited seminar at Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS).

Jun 2019 Pei joined EML, welcome!

Jun 2019 Dahyun was invited to present her work at EAG, thank you IEEE for the invitation!

Jun 2019 Dahyun won 2019 central RSCA grant from SJSU!

Jun 2019 EML's user proposal is accepted again by Molecular Foundry at LBL! We are very excited to receive this support from DOE! "Work at the Molecular Foundry is supported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy"

May 2019 Usha successfully defended! Congratulations!

May 2019 Dahyun and Prof. Kao won the Global Innovation Contest award ($150k) from LG Chem!

May 2019 Po and Ryan received the best MATE senior poster award on GRASP day!

April 2019 Victor's story is posted on SJSU Newsroom, check it out here!

April 2019 Gwenlyn received Outstanding Junior Award, congratulations!

April 2019 Alex, David, and Gwenlyn joined EML, welcome!

April 2019 Charleston and Usha presented a poster in ACS 2019 meeting, check it out here!

Jan 2019 Muhanad joined EML, welcome!


Dec 2018 EML received Small Group Research Fund, $50k from SJSU for collaboration with Prof. John Lee at SJSU and Prof. Min-Hwan Lee at UC Merced! 

Dec 2018 Muhammad joined EML, welcome!

Dec 2018 Dahyun's work with SJSU students at IBM and SJSU is published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, "Flat Monolayer Graphene Cathodes for Li-oxygen Micro-batteries ", check it out here

Nov 2018 Dahyun presented a poster titled "Investigation of Li2O2 Nucleation on Flat Graphene Cathodes " in MRS Fall meeting.

Oct 2018 Charleston received Davidson Scholarship! Congratulations!

Oct 2018 Dahyun attended the Workshop on Undergraduate Research in Materials Science at Coe College funded by NSF through Coe College.

Sep 2018 Ryan and Po joined the Energy Materials Lab, welcome!

Jul 2018 EML received gracious donations from BioLink Depot

Jun 2018 EML's user proposal is accepted by Molecular Foundry at LBL! "Work at the Molecular Foundry is supported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy", We appreciate the support from DOE.

Jun 2018 Brendon and Victor won URG (Undergraduate Research Grants) from SJSU, congratulations!

Jun 2018 Usha and Akshay joined the Energy Materials Lab, welcome!

May 2018 Energy Materials Laboratory will present a poster in GRASP, May 12 at SJSU. 

April 2018 Bonnie received Outstanding Graduate Students award and Victor received BCME promise award from BCME department, congratulations!

April 2018 Charleston and Sanyam joined the Energy Materials Lab, welcome!

Jan 2018 Brendon joined the Energy Materials Lab, welcome!


Dec 2017 Dahyun attended CREB workshop.

Nov 2017 Dahyun's collaboration with Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Michigan State University, LBL, Peking University, USARL, UMD, MIT was published in JACS

Sep 2017 Prakirti, Bonnie, Pranav, and Victor joined the Energy Materials Lab, lab is growing! Welcome!

Aug 2017 Energy Materials Lab open!

Aug 2017 Dahyun presented an invited presentation at LBL about her Bioinspired Materials Development .