Decolonize Your Library

What is Decolonization?

"Colonization is an historical and ongoing form of territorial, economic, and mental conquest in which one group of indigenous people (first inhabitants of a place) is subordinated and put in service to another group of people under the forces of imperialism. Decolonization is a set of ideas and lived experiences that challenge imperialism through forms of bottom-up disobedience to historical and ongoing colonization. Theories and manifestations of decolonization prioritize indigenous (non-Western) forms of knowledge, spirituality, cultural practices, and sovereignty. "

Beautiful Trouble. (n.d.). Decolonization. Retrieved May 8, 2021, from

Scholarly articles about decolonization in libraries.

Resources developed by activist groups & educators.

Reading Lists for further information on Anti-Racism and Decolonization curated by a variety of publications and organizations.