Academic Resources for Anti-Racism

These resources will provide a scholarly look at Anti-racism in libraries, including collections, programming, and cataloging.

Journal Articles

Bolam, M. R., Corbett, L. E., Ellero, N. P., Kenfield, A. S., Mitchell, E. T., Opasik, S. A., & Ryszka, D. (2018). Current Work in Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility by Metadata Communities: A Working Report from the ALA/ALCTS Metadata Standards Committee. Technical Services Quarterly, 35(4), 367–376.

Boudrye, J. (2021). Is Your Library Anti-ist/ism? Teacher Librarian, 48(3), 18–21.

Coleman, A. (2020). Using the Anti-racism Digital Library and Thesaurus to Understand Information Access, Authority, Value and Privilege. Theological Librarianship, 13(1), 1–12.

Digitization Selection Criteria as Anti-Racist Action. (2019). Code4Lib Journal, 45, N.PAG-N.PAG.

Hobart, E. (2020). Antiracism in the catalog: An analysis of records. College & Research Libraries News, 81(8), 378–381.

Huderson-Poydras, P. E., & Wheeler, R. E. (2020). How Law Libraries Can Help Tell the Black Lives Matter Movement’s Story: Welcome to our new column, where we will explore issues, perspectives, and resources that focus on promoting diversity and inclusion. AALL Spectrum, 41–43.

Jorgenson, S., & Burress, R. (2020). Analyzing the Diversity of a High School Library Collection. Knowledge Quest, 48(5), 48–53.