
Research Opportunities

Several research opportunities might be available. Please, contact Dr. KC with your CV and brief research interest.

  1. Post-doc Position : Currently, we don't have any postdoc position available.  However, if you are interested in future opportunities, feel free to write an e-mail.

  1. Graduate  Research  : If you are motivated in conducting research in computational modeling and simulation, please feel free to write  an e-mail.

  1. Undergraduate Research : If you are interested in conducting research in the domain of Computational Physics, Materials Engineering or Chemical Engineering, please contact Dr. KC to discuss the possible research opportunities.

  1. High School Students : If you are high school student and interested in research experience in computational materials modeling and simulation, you are welcome too !

  1. Collaboration Opportunities: If you are interested in working  in joint research project with CMRL please, write to discuss the potential collaboration opportunities.

  1. Visiting Researcher : If you are interested in a visiting research position, please contact PI Dr. KC .

*MS and BS students, please contact your  graduate /undergraduate advisor if you would like to get research credit and to register for the relevant courses.