Biomechanics and Robotics Lab


The BioRob lab focuses on the design and development of biorobots, with a special emphasis on assistive medical device and occupational rehabilitation. We investigate a range of robotic systems and their control - from wearables to surgical robots- for use in teleoperation, virtual/augmented reality, physical therapy, and engineering education. We study a broad class of subjects such as smart materials, mechanical design, biofluid transport, tactile sensing, and haptic control to the design and development of exoskeleton wearables, bio-inspired actuators, rehabilitative robots, and surgical robots. 

The outcome of our research contributes to the understanding of human biomechanics, and further enhance the integration of biomechatronic robotics in medical device, diagnosis, therapy, and treatment.

 Research Projects

Human-Robot Interaction


Assistive Robots

Bio-inspired Robots

