Christ's Cupboard

Christ's Cupboard

Christ’s Cupboard was created in 1992 to assist families in need of groceries. A brown grocery bag would be filled with basic food items that would help a family through a few days.  In 1996 Christ's Cupboard started including packages of frozen meat with each bag. In 1999 a generous family in the area donated milk and eggs in the form of certificates that could be redeemed at a local grocery store. 

Since we are an emergency food pantry and solely funded by our members, in 2022, a voucher program was instituted, giving freedom to people to purchase perishable and non perishable foods to better fit their needs.  

Persons using the food pantry must live in the Reedsburg School District and show a photo ID.  There are term limits to utilizing the food pantry as it is intended to assist those in crisis situations. 

Good Samaritan Fund

It was identified that pastors were called on to help people with utilities, rent assistance and emergency housing. The Good Samaritan Fund was established in 1992 to respond to this need. Guidelines were developed and pastors were given more resources to offer aid. 

The guidelines have changed in 2021 to accommodate St. John and the people who come to see us for assistance. St. John may assist with a one time only financial need (utilities). Case by case basis. An active card file is kept in the office to monitoring assistance given.  

Persons seeking assistance must show a valid Photo ID for all financial transactions.

Food and Funding

The congregation of St. John provides the financial support for these ministries.