Caring For Creation

Caring for Creation

Thirty years after Churchwide issued a comprehensive social statement on Caring for Creation, our Synod, in a 2023 resolution, is encouraging “members to care for God’s creation in every way they can, e.g. planting trees, starting pollinator gardens, recycling, discontinuing the use of Styrofoam products, installing solar panels, doing an energy audit,” and, creating a “Congregational Care of Creation Plan.”

Here is an excerpt from that original social statement, on Commitments of this Church as Individual Christians:

“As members of this church, we commit ourselves to personal life styles that contribute to the health of the environment. Many organizations provide materials us in examining possibilities and making changes appropriate to our circumstances.

We challenge ourselves, particularly the economically secure, to tithe environmentally. Tithers would reduce their burden on the earth's bounty by producing ten percent less in waste, consuming ten percent less in non-renewable resources, and contributing the savings to earthcare efforts. 

Environmental tithing also entails giving time to learn about environmental problems and to work with others toward solutions.” This corner is a small effort to encourage our church members to learn more and think about ways that we each can contribute to caring for creation, God's gift to us.