Policies and Procedures

Only students enrolled in Sts. Joseph and John School may be enrolled in the extended day programs. Extended day is a privilege, not a right. Students must comply with the rules and procedures established for the program as well as the behavior code of Sts. Joseph and John School  in order to continue on an extended day.

The cost for Viking Cove is $13.00 per day for each child.

Viking Cove consists of self-directed play in the gym, Visionary Center, and/or outside, weather permitting. 

Snacks are served between 3:00 - 3:30 p.m.

After snack, all students return to the Visionary Center for 30 minutes of quiet activities and homework.  Kindergarteners can color and work on puzzles during this time.  Grades 1 - 8 work on homework, activity packets, or reading a book.  


2:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Parents must sign out their child(ren) from the extended day program. Children must be picked up by 6:00 p.m. A LATE FEE OF $1.00 PER MINUTE IS CHARGED BEGINNING AT 6:00 P.M.


Director – Ms. Puliafico

Viking Cove is staffed with Sts. Joseph and John's teachers and aides.  

Viking Cove is part of the school program at Sts. Joseph and John School. Therefore, the principal is responsible for the extended day program. The director of the program is responsible for the day to day leadership and organization of the program. She reports to the principal as needed. Concerns about the program should be directed to the director, Ms. Puliafico. Concerns should be brought to the attention of the principal only after first discussing them with the director.


School policies and procedures are followed in the extended day program. Children who, by their behavior, indicate that they are not benefiting from the program, will be asked to withdraw. This request will be made after a fair warning. The consequences for inappropriate behavior during the extended day program include but are not limited to, time outs, time in the principal’s office, suspension from the program, and mandated withdrawal from the program.


Most communication takes place when parents come to get their child(ren). 


A Viking Cove Remind account has been set up for parents to communicate with the director.  If there are changes to pick-up or any concerns, parents can correspond with this app.  Parents can also email Ms. Puliafico at rpuliafico@sjjschool.org


Parents will be contacted through REMIND or a phone call in case of an emergency. The extended-day staff uses the information provided on the school emergency form. It is the responsibility of parents to update any information with the extended day staff as well as the school staff.

The director of the extended day program is the first to receive school closing information from the principal of the school.


Healthy snacks and a fruit drink are provided daily. Occasionally a special snack is provided. Parents must communicate with the staff of the extended day program IN WRITING if there are any dietary restrictions. If a child has food allergies, we ask that parents provide a snack for their child.

During the afternoon session, a nutritious snack will be provided for each child at no additional cost. Parents are asked to notify the school in writing of any food allergies since the school is providing the snack.


The director of the extended day program keeps a formal record of attendance and payment of fees. Extended-day records are confidential and will be shared only with those who have a legal right to know. The pastor and principal have access to all extended-day records and logs. 

The director of the extended day program must be provided with custody decrees or other documents relating to parent contact with a child if both parents do not have custody of the child.


The program reserves the right to amend the handbook for just cause. Parents will be notified promptly in writing if changes are made.