
All day screening 1030 hrs - 1530 hrs

360 Virtual Reality Documentary: Valen's Reef (7 mins 54 secs)

Venue: Meeting Room 1

Time: All day 1030 hrs - 1530 hrs

Admission free, ticket not required

In "Valen's Reef," join local fisherman-turned-coral-reef-scientist and Conservation International staffer Ronald Mambrasar as he monitors the reefs with his young son, Valen. Ronald tells Valen the story of how the area was almost destroyed and how the community-led conservation initiative restored it. As a native Papuan and father of four, Ronald shares what it means to protect his home for Valen's generation and shows just how successful conservation can be when local people are empowered to take a leading role.

(Kindly brought to you by Conservation International)

For further details, go to the official web site here

1030 hrs - 1230 hrs screenings

A Plastic Ocean (1 hr 42 mins)

(Kindly brought to you by National Parks Board)

Venue: Lecture Theater 1

Time: 1030 hrs - 1212 hrs

Admission free, get tickets here (now available)

“A Plastic Ocean” begins when journalist Craig Leeson, searching for the elusive blue whale, discovers plastic waste in what should be pristine ocean. In this adventure documentary, Craig teams up with free diver Tanya Streeter and an international team of scientists and researchers, and they travel to twenty locations around the world over the next four years to explore the fragile state of our oceans, uncover alarming truths about plastic pollution, and reveal working solutions that can be put into immediate effect.

For further details, go to the official film web site here

Given (1 hr 14 mins)

(Kindly brought to you by the Makers of "Given")

Venue: Lecture Theater 3

Time: 1030 hrs - 1144 hrs

Admission free, get tickets here (now available)

Given is the simple yet powerfully contemplative story of a unique family legacy come full circle. Told through the visceral experience of a 6 yr. old, Given follows legendary surfers Aamion and Daize Goodwin from their island home of Kauai through 15 different countries in the quest for surf and to fulfill a calling handed down through generations. Set in wave after wave of stunningly visual earthscapes, Given blooms into a tender yet stirring exploration of a young boy’s understanding of life through his familial bonds and their reverence for nature. Deeply moving, Given offers us the humbling contrast of a small voice voyaging through a big world as it finds its way home again.

For further details, go to the official film web site here

Sea of Life (1 hr 28 mins)

(Kindly brought to you by Julia Barnes)

Venue: Lecture Theater 2

Time: 1030 hrs - 1158 hrs

Admission free, get tickets here (now available)

Inspired by Rob Stewart's Revolution, young filmmaker Julia Barnes embarks on an epic journey around the world to save the ecosystems we depend on for survival, as we come closer to causing a mass extinction in the oceans.

With access to renowned environmental experts and breathtaking underwater cinematography, Sea of Life takes audiences on a provocative journey, through the most stunning and threatened ecosystems on the planet and the rallying movement underway to save them.

For further details, go to the official film web site here

1330 hrs - 1530 hrs screenings

Pre-screening sharing at Remember Chek Jawa & Birth of a Marine Park

by Singaporean Marine Scientist, TED Fellow Dr Neo Mei Lin

A little about Dr Neo Mei Lin and her sharing:

Mei Lin is a marine biologist at the St John’s Island National Marine Laboratory. For a petite girl, Mei Lin has chosen to study the world's largest living shellfish - the giant clam. She advocates for science communication and gave a TED talk to give a voice for the endangered marine species. Mei Lin is also the co-founder of the local initiative, Celebrating Singapore Shores! She will be sharing her experiences in local efforts of marine conservation.

You can read more about her work at the following platforms

Remember Chek Jawa & Birth of a Marine Park

Venue: Lecture theater 1

Time: 1330 hrs - 1441 hrs

Admission free, get tickets here (now available)

Remember Chek Jawa (47 mins 30 secs)

A fast-developing country situated on an island of just 693 square kilometres, Singapore has always struggled with land scarcity issues. Land reclamation is one of the solutions, and this was scheduled to be carried out at Pulau Ubin, a small islet northeast of Singapore.

Chek Jawa is an inter-tidal area encompassing six ecosystems in one square kilometre on Pulau Ubin and was discovered by local conservationists only in early 2001.

Since its discovery, the rich marine biodiversity of the area has drawn thousands of visitors to revel in its beauty. With land reclamation plans threatening to swallow the area’s thriving eco-systems, several groups of passionate volunteers campaigned to protect Chek Jawa, educating the public and providing feedback to the government.

This film tells the story of one of these groups – a special team of individuals who came together from all walks of life and followed their hearts to make a difference against the odds.

For further details, go to the official film web site here

Birth of a Marine Park (24 mins)

(Kindly brought to you by National Parks Board)

Off the shores, away from the glittering skyline of the city, Singapore maintains one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. Yet its waters hide a little-known secret: a rich bio-habitat harbouring diverse marine life, including a species long thought to be globally extinct. This documentary follows the visionary partnership of Singapore planners, scientists and nature-lovers who are coming together to create the island nation’s first-ever marine park in the waters around Sisters’ Island, one of Singapore’s remaining coral reefs.

To find out more, read Dr Neo Mei Lin's review of this short documentary here

Chasing Corals (1 hr 33 mins)

(Kindly brought to you by the Chasing Coral Team)

Venue: Lecture Theater 2

Time: 1330 hrs - 1503 hrs

Admission free, get tickets here (now available)

There is a Pre-screening sharing at this film by a volunteer, Mr Karl Png from the civil society: "Celebrating Singapore Shores".

Coral reefs around the world are vanishing at an unprecedented rate. A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure to discover why and to reveal the underwater mystery to the world.

For further details, go to the official film web site here

Albatross (1 hr 37 mins)

(Kindly brought to you by Small Change)

Venue: Lecture theater 3

Time: 1330 hrs - 1507 hrs

Admission free, get tickets here (now available)

There is a Pre-screening sharing at this film by Mr Lim Teck Koon, Co-founder of the non-profit organisation, "Small Change".

A film by artist Chris Jordan, is a powerfully moving love story about birds on Midway Island in the Pacific whose bodies are filled with ocean plastic.

ALBATROSS is an adult film with strong emotional content, so we recommend it for viewers age 12 and above.

For further details, go to the official film web site here